Year 30 - Mists of Pandaria Part 1

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Chromie nods as she recognizes the point of time they enter now. The small lady frowns.

"We come to a very important but terrifying year. And I do not need to remind you how it started."

After finishing the sentence, she turns her head towards the destroyed island of Theramore. The purple gloom distracts the steadily clearing sky above the sea.

"The year Jaina became my enemy," a visibly saddened Go'el adds with fear in his voice.

"Go'el... the events in the alternate timeline are not pleasant as well. Shall we begin?"

"Yes, let us begin. But first I would like to know how Garrosh behaved while I, I mean the other Thrall was seperated from his family."

"Unfortuantely, I do not see major differences," Chromie replies. "He still wages war against the Alliance, Baine and Vol'jin are still dissatisfied with his rule. Thankfully, the political and economic problems prevent him from harming your family. Durotar still suffers from a heavy drought and he still prepares his next move. To my surprise, Garrosh's men still can steal the Focussing Iris, the instrument which fueled the mana bomb. The bomb which destroyed Theramore."

"Chromie... Only some hours ago you promised me that Thrall and his family will be fine. Now you are telling me that all the events still happen?"

The gnome lady looks as concerned as Go'el.

"Patience, my dear Go'el. Yes, he plans the attacks but the goblins and the blood elves in the other timeline are not entirely on his side. Due to Theramore's neutrality, the differently used highway and the profitable business, they at least do not wish the isle to be destroyed."

The big orc sighs in relief and takes a second to clear his head before looking down through the shard. Only to be shocked again. He now spots a small castle which looks very familiar.

"The Northwatch raid. It still happens. But why? Is it not neutral by now? Has Thrall's admonition not seen any effect yet?"

"Northwatch has become a trading outpost after you forced Jaina to do something. But as you know, Garrosh does not care about the Alliance and their business. And you also know he does not care about neutrality. He raids the hold because he wants the humans and the Alliance to leave Kalimdor – the motives are the same, even with a neutral Northwatch."

Go'el sighs again as he remembers the trouble Garrosh caused during his time as the Warchief. Then he watches the events of the other timeline closely.

"I can see Garrosh, his guards, some trolls, some tauren... Baine and Vol'jin?! I do not understand this. They belong to my family. Why would they do this?!"

"Those are the rules, your rules, Go'el. Everyone has to obey the Warchief's command and both tauren and trolls are a minority. And Baine wants to teach Jaina a lesson in raiding one of her places after the humans attacked Camp Taurajo. Still, look into the faces of your friends. At least, they seem to be desperate in this timeline. Baine very often looks to Vol'jin. A silent cry for help. Vol'jin gives him a sad view. But then... the raid begins.
 Dozens of soldiers lose their lives. Even innocent citizens are among the deceased. Baine tries his best to avoid unnecessary casualties but is unable to save more than a hand full of humans. After a while, the combatants notice there is no weaponry inside the hold besides defense. Most human soldiers were nothing but guards. The outpost did not participate in the war anymore. The tauren chief immediately orders his men to retreat and tells Garrosh that he will end no more innocent lives. The Warchief seems to agree and lets him go. Baine feels guilty and ashamed by his own role. He orders his scout Perith to deliver his mace Fearbreaker to Theramore. To give it back to his rightful owner Anduin and to tell Jaina what happened. Poor Baine. Do you see the horror in his eyes while leaving Northwatch Hold? He regrets his 'lesson' and never wants to enter Theramore again."

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