Year 27 - Wrath of the Lich King Part 2

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"Speaking of nightmares, after the fall of the Lich King and the death of Arthas, Jaina returns to Theramore tower," the small lady continues. "You are about to go to bed but shortly after you had a wash, the following confrontation results in a heavy marital quarrel."

"The first after two years at least."

"You confront her with the past events. You are very furious about Varian. His disrespectful behaviour towards you, your family and the Horde puts you into a rage. Your voice is very fierce but quiet to not wake Duran up. Jaina has to deal with many questions. Does she realize how Varian ignores their relationship? Does she even see that Varian does not care about her family? Why does he ignore all the peace efforts? Why did he want to see the other Thrall dead? Unable to answer all of them, she feels intimidated by your harsh words and begs you to stop. You force her to talk to Varian and also tell Anduin that his father just broke the peace. A sharp 'Good night' ends the rebuke and he sits down on the bed."

Thrall looks surprised. He has never been so angry with Jaina. His new home changed his alternate self drastically in this regard. However, he can understand his counterpart on the other side of the glass. That Thrall fears his family is threatened by the leader of the Alliance. A man who is consumed by his hatred. A dark attitude Thrall had to deal with many years later, when Theramore was destroyed and Jaina revenged her people in nearly killing him and almost drowning Orgrimmar. He prays for the other Jaina to not go down this dark path.

"Being shocked by your behaviour, Jaina pulls something out of her pocket. It is a small locket... with a picture of her. She focuses it for some time. Only now you notice that her eyes tear up. She just stands there at the window, looks at this very special piece and weeps. No... she mourns."

"I feel sorry for Jaina. Please, show me the scene around us."

Thrall stands up and slowly comes closer to the mourning lady.

"I know... what this is," he speaks in a very calm and understanding voice. "Jaina... I am so sorry."

Teardrops hit the locket. Only a quiet sobbing can be heard in the room. She looks out the window and whispers to herself.

"He kept it... All this time, he still kept it."

"I already heard what happened."

Then he wraps his arms around her but she does not join the embrace. Instead, Jaina keeps holding and starring at the small portrait. Many tears run down her cheek. Only now Thrall's rage becomes compassion.

"Forgive me, Jaina. I did not mean to be so rude to you in such difficult times."

He slowly takes her to the bed and sits down with her. But Jaina cannot stop mourning. Her husband is unable to ease her pain. Now he realizes that she still has feelings for Arthas. They lay down, embracing each other. She cries on his shoulders.

"He is dead," Jaina weeps.

"He was the love of your life. I can understand how you feel."

Jaina affirms him with a kiss. And while she calms down after a while, Thrall cannot hide his emotions any longer. Her kiss touches sad lips.

"Do you miss Taretha?"

Thrall nods.

"I never really got over her death. She did not deserve to die like this. Slain by a tyrant. And... I could not save her. Not even in my dreams."

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