Year 27 - Wrath of the Lich King Part 1

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"We have done this for some hours so far," Go'el summarizes while taking sips out of a bottle which is tied to his belt. "Only now I do realize there are more clouds in the sky. I fear this is a sign for what is yet to come in the other timeline. And I believe I know what comes next."

He cannot finish expressing his thought as he notices the dropping face of his counterpart.

"What is wrong, Chromie?"

"Go'el, the clouds are right... it is... it is Garrosh. He-"

"I knew this was coming," the orc admits. "That Thrall made a mistake when he took Jaina's hand. Show me what happens next."

The sky above Orgrimmar is blue and the temperatures are pleasant this morning. Thrall leaves the zeppelin and goes to a meeting in his hold. He greets the orcs on the streets while approaching his working place. Some minutes later, he arrives his throne room and walks through the entrance. To his surprise, Garrosh and two bodyguards stand in the center. Thrall stops in front of him. The Warchief has a bad feeling. His commander does not look pleased to see him.

"Eitrigg? Cairne? Garrosh? Is something wrong?" he asks.

Garrosh looks angry and holds his father's axe in his hand.

"Your commander demands to speak with you. Now," Cairne answers in a calm but concerned tone.

"Garrosh, you are allowed to speak."

"Where do you come from, Warchief?" he growls and starts to amble back and forth.

"Do you really believe I did not notice? Your 'meetings' in Theramore?"

Thrall knows what Garrosh is talking about but remains silent to not provoke him further.

"YOU chose to be a human. You are an orc no longer! Tell me, Thrall... How is your pitiful human family doing at the moment?"

"I wanted to tell you about them as soon as you understand it," Thrall explains and so keeps the knowledge of his loyal advisors secret. Then he continues:

"I was hoping that you, Garrosh, learn from me and my actions. For the Horde."

Garrosh stops walking and faces his Warchief. After some giggles, he burst out laughing and raises his axe. Now he points it at Thrall.

"You are weak! You, who would parley with the humans! You betrayed the Horde! MY father would feel ashamed by your behaviour!"

"Garrosh, enough. Your father has nothing to do with this. Besides, he was a hothead, just like you. He swung his axe before he thought. My childhood bars me from only seeing our path."

The brown orc gets furious about the dismissive words.

"What did you just say about my father?! I will not accept this! After all he did for YOU and YOUR people? MAK'GORA!"

Go'el is petrified with horror. His student not only challenges him to lead the Horde because of Jaina and Duran. The shocked orc realizes that the point of time is not right.

"The fight comes too early. If I remember correctly, the undead invasion arrives months later."

"I know, Go'el. This is the first major difference since you married Jaina," Chromie confirms.

"Do you feel all right?"

Go'el hesitates, his breath jitters for a while.

"No... but let the inevitable begin. I am ready."

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