Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's POV

I walk into school, jittery and afraid like always. I pray I stay invisible today. I hope to avoid Michael and the others who pick on me. I'm not saying everyone's a jerk. There are some nice people, but there's others that aren't so nice. I walk to my locker and open it, grabbing my English book, when I feel someone behind me. My hands become shaky and I slowly turn around to see Michael, with yet a new girl, linked in his arm. Michael had his hair red today, he often dyed it every couple months.

"Hey, bitch, you got my homework?" Michael asked in a husky, scary, voice. I gulp and nod, my hand shaking violently as I hand his homework. Michael grabbed it from me.

"Good. Maybe today I won't trip you in front of everyone like I planned."

Michael snickered and walked away. His girl elbowed me in my shoulder and followed, I winced silently. I closed my locker and push up my glasses. I slowly walk to class, alone. I feel pitiful eyes stare me down, but I ignore them. I walk into my English and I sit quietly in the back of the room, the right corner like always.


At around 5th period, I walk to the library to eat lunch. I stopped eating lunch in the cafeteria last month when some girl tripped me in front of everyone.

"Good afternoon, Elizabeth." The librarian, Ms. Winchester smiled.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." I gave her a small smile and sat down. I ate silently. The library was usually pretty empty, which I was pretty happy about. I took out a book from my bag and read and eat for the period. I am currently reading "Keeping the Moon" by Sarah Dessen. At about the halfway point through the book, the bell rung, signaling me to go to 6th period chemistry.

"Have a nice day, Ms. Winchester." I smile at the librarian.

"You too, honey." She calls after me, smiling.

6th period wasn't my favorite time of the day. Although chemistry was one of my favorite subjects, Michael and his friend Luke were in my class. Although I never had a problem with Luke, I fear that he was like Michael, so I kept to myself. I get there and sit in my seat, the second to last row. I sat behind Luke and across from Michael, since him and Luke sat next to each other. They both arrived, as soon as the late bell rung. The teacher, Mrs. Jones rolled her eyes, because it happened so often.

"Good afternoon class, I hope you had a good lunch, but that doesn't mean you can arrive late." She eyed Luke and Michael. I saw Michael shrug from the corner of my eye.

"Not my fault my girlfriend wanted to make out."

Luke and a few kids snickered, not including me. I just rolled my eyes to myself, he had almost the same excuse every time he was late. And I bet tomorrow, he'll have a new "girlfriend".

"Okay then...but that doesn't give you an excuse to why you're late, Mr. Hemmings."

"Uh...sorry." Luke mumbled. Mrs. Jones rolled her eyes again and continued with the lesson.

"Alright, class, can someone please tell me what the first element of the periodic table is?" Mrs. Jones asked the class. I smile to myself, I knew the answer.

"It's hydrogen." I whisper to myself. But before I could raise my hand, the teacher called on Michael.

"It's hydrogen." Michael said, giving me a mocking smile that I saw from the corner of my eye. I guess I whispered too loud.

"Very good." The lesson continued.


I walk to my locker when the bell rung, ending the day. I sigh and pack my book bag with all my books. I look at the door of my locker. It was a picture of me and my old best friend. She sadly died in a car crash when we were in middle school. God, I missed her so much. She was my only friend. I shake my head, sadly as I close my locker and turn around, to see Michael standing in front of me. I swallow a lump in my throat, nervously. Michael had an evil smirk plastered on his face and a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey, loser." He laughed a bit. I stood there, silently and shaking.

"Here's my homework. Do it or else." Michael shoved his books in my hands and I stumble a bit, earning a low chuckle from him. "Hope you have a shit day, you ugly slut." He blew smoke in my face and walked away. I cough a bit and tears brim at my eyes. Ugly slut. He was right. Although I never had sex, he got the ugly part right. I sigh and walk out of school and to my bus stop. The bus stops in front of me and I get on. I look out the window and see Michael and that girl sucking each others faces off, against one of the fences, surrounding the football field. I look down at my lap and fix my skirt as the bus drove.

I arrive at the bus stop about a block away from my house. I start to walk home and unlock my door with my house keys. I open the door and see my mom, making dinner.

"Hey, Lizzie, how was school?" My mom asked, calling me by my nickname only my family calls me.

"It was good mom." I lied, giving her a fake smile.

"Good." She grinned at me.

"I'm going upstairs, I have a lot of homework." I say, walking up the steps.

"Okay, dinner will be ready in an hour, hon." My mom called after me. I reach my room and close and lock my door. As soon as the door closes, I feel hot tears run down my face. I angrily and sadly walk to my desk and open my desk drawer. I pull out a razor blade that I took out of an old razor. And I cut my wrists. Three for all the words and actions Michael said and did. Another for no friends. Another for my dead friend. I continue until I feel numb. Once I'm done, I clean my blade and my wrists until they're nothing but irritated scars. I then move and put a few on my upper thighs. I clean myself up and put on a sweater and sweatpants. I then do mine and Michael's homework, which took me a while to do. I then walk downstairs to eat.

"Lizzie, you're a half hour late to dinner. Me, your father and brothers are already done." My mom says, from the living room.

"Sorry, I had a lot of homework to do." I say, taking some chicken and sat down at the table. I ate quietly as random thoughts flooded my brain. I sigh and soon finish. I put my dish in the sink and walk upstairs to shower. I undress and get in.

I turn on the water and shower. My scars burn from the hot water, but I ignore it. I finish and put my hair up in a ponytail once I get out. I put on long sleeve pajama shirt and long pajama pants. I get in my bed and check my Tumblr blog, the only place where I'm accepted. I smile as some followers liked my posts. I stay on for a couple hours and I finally decide to go to bed. I turn off my lights and close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

And that's basically what I go through everyday.

a/n: sorry this is so depressing and terrible! it'll get better i promise!

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