Chapter 5

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Elizabeth's POV

This past week, I have not had a problem with Michael or his friends. It was now Monday. Of course, I have been picked on by some other kids but Michael was the worst. Now he's so nice and he's actually kind of cute. His personality is actually really cool, since he's not picking on me anymore. His hair is so cool, his eyes are really nice, his eyebrow piercing is cool too, his face is cute. I know it sounds weird that I think he's cute after a year of bullying, but it looks like he has changed.

I walk down to the lunchroom where I see everyone in their usual seats and a new girl, sitting next to Calum. I've seen her around before but I have never met her officially.

"Hi, Liza!" Michael calls me by my new nickname. I smile at him and sit next to him.

"Oh, Liza," Calum says. I'm guessing everybody calls me this now. "I want you to meet Alanna. We've been seeing each other for a couple of weeks." He wrapped his arm around her.

"Hi!" Alanna grinned at me.

"Hi!" I smile a bit. "I'm Elizabeth but I'm guessing everyone calls me Liza now...?" I giggle a bit. Alanna smiles at me.

"Yeah, Michael talks about you all the time." She giggled. I look at Michael and see his cheeks turned crimson.

"A-are they good things?" I ask, blushing myself.

"O-oh! Of c-course!" Michael smiled at me and I nod. Luke and Ashton laugh a bit and look at Michael.

"Yeah, Liza don't worry about it, alllll good things." Ashton laughed and wiggled his eyebrows at Michael. Michael looked down and bit his lip, redder than before. I don't say anything and play with my hands.

Alanna and Calum talk quietly to one another as did Luke and Ashton. I look at Michael who was already looking at me.

"Hi." He says, quietly.

"Hey." I smile.

"I have a question."


"What's your favorite color?" He smiles.

"Oh, uh...I really like purple." I smile at him. He nodded as the bell to go to 6th period. I watched as Cal and Alanna got up, holding hands as they went to their class. God, they were so cute together. Alanna waved and smiled at me. I smile and wave back. Ashton walks to his class and Luke stood next to Michael. Michael looked at me and smiled as he began to walk. I follow them, smiling as well.

We walk to the 3rd floor and sit in our seats for class. The teacher walked in and class begun.


At the end of the day, I grab all my books and put them in my bag. As I turn around, I see Michael, smiling at me.

"Hello!" He grinned.

"Hi, Michael." I smile.

"Liza, just call me Mikey, I mean we're friends now, right?"

Friend. I haven't had a friend ever since Melanie, who died in a car crash. I look at Michael.

"Yeah." I smile a bit.

"And since we're friends, I need your number so we can talk and hang out." Michael grinned sheepishly. I smile and write my number on a piece of paper in my locker. I hand it to him, smiling.

"I'll be sure to call you, sweetheart." Michael winked and walked away. He called me sweetheart like all the bad boys call girls in the movies. I feel my face heat up and I walk out school and to my bus.

Everything is getting better slowly. Just like I hoped. It took a while but maybe one day, everything will fully get better.

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