Chapter 4

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Elizabeth's POV

The next day, I didn't feel as nervous as usual. I mean, Michael could of have been pranking me or something, but he sounded very convincing when he said he felt bad about the was he's been treating me. Also, he didn't make me do his homework this time.

I go to my locker and grab my books, the same routine. When I turn around I see Michael smiling at me.

"Hey." He grinned.

"Oh, uhm...h-hi." I stutter.

"So, I gotta question, you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch today? I mean I have to make up my poor attitude to you somehow." Michael offered.

"Uh, s-sure, thanks." I say, looking at my feet. Michael bit his lip.

"Okay, see you then." He says as I look at him. Michael winked at me and walked away.

Wait, hold up. Did he just wink at me? After a year of bullying me was he trying to flirt with me. God, boys in Sydney are weird. At that moment, I didn't think much of it until later on that morning in History.

After History was lunch. I go down to the cafeteria and walk over to Michael's table. He sat there with Luke, Ashton who was captain of the soccer team and Calum who was head of the student council. I blush because I felt a bit awkward.

"Hey!" Michael smiled and moved over so I can sit. I sit down, still blushing.

"These are my friends, Luke, Cal and Ashton." Michael introduced them to me. I recognized them all, even though I'm not friends with them. I smile shyly and nodded.

"Hey, I'm Luke even though you probably know that already." Luke giggled.

"I'm Calum, nice to officially meet you." He smiled.

"I'm Ash." Ashton grinned at me. Like I said earlier, these are the nice people who I don't have a problem with. I used to have a problem with Michael, but I guess I can associate him as one of them now...?

"Anyways, there I was, 20 feet away from the goal, and the opponents surrounding me. I could've passed it to Matt or I could've kicked it and tried to make the goal..." Ashton continued with his story. The rest of the boys seemed really intrigued, while I sat there quietly, eating and listening.

"So, Liza..." Michael looked at me. Liza? That's something I haven't heard before. I've been called Lizzie so many times and Eliza a couple times too.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Why don't you tell us something about yourself?"

"Oh, me? There's nothing that great about me." I smile a bit.

"C'mon there has to be something." He smiled.

Michael's POV

I waited for Elizabeth's, or Liza's answer. I think that's what I'm going to call her from now on.

"Uh..." Her eyes scanned us a bit nervously, looking afraid she'll mess up or something, which I found kind of cute. "I come from Florida..." She played with her sleeves nervously. "And uhm...I play guitar and piano." She smiled a bit.

"Really?" Luke asked grinning at her. "We're in a band!!" Liza's smile got brighter.

"That's really cool!"

I giggle a bit. She was so cute. Wait...what? Did I just call her cute? I mean it is true, but...what? But what wasn't cute about her? Her small hands and her tiny and skinny body seemed so fragile. Her face was so full, yet mature looking. Her teeth were so white and straight. Her hair was so long and curly and fluffy looking. And her eyes. Probably my favorite part about her. They were hazel with yellow around the iris and a hint of blue/green. And at that moment, I found myself staring at her.

"Mikey? Mate, are you alright?" Calum waved his hand in my face and I shook my head, out of my trance.

"Oh, yeah..."

Liza looked at me, confused. I probably look so stupid right now. I mean at first I picked on her, then all of a sudden, I'm nice, and now I'm staring at her?

It's probably going to take a while for her to fully trust me. And I don't blame her.

a/n: i'm gonna make cal, luke and ash have girlfriends so let me know if you want to be one :)

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