Chapter 10

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Elizabeth's POV

The weekend flew by pretty quickly after that Friday. I didn't really do much. I binge watched Netflix and went on my Tumblr blog. That was about it. I've been kind of proud of myself. I haven't been cutting in a week. The longest I've gone was a month and a half. And now I'm determined to beat that. But who knows? Anything can happen and make me want to cut again...But wait. I want to beat this goal. I think I can.

I sigh and rub my eyes as my alarm clock rang throughout my room on this Monday morning. Ugh, I really don't want to go to school.

However, I force myself out of my bed to get ready for school. As I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I notice my balance was a little off and I felt dizzy. In my reflection, I see that my face is all pale, my cheeks are flushed a bright red and my eyes look glassy. Damn it, I was sick! I haven't gotten sick on a school day in years. I sigh loudly and trudge down to my kitchen to tell mom.

"Lizzie, breakfast is rea-" She was cut off by my appearance. "Honey you look terrible!"

"Thanks mom. Way to start off my morning." I grumble sarcastically.

"Sorry, hon." Mom shrugged. "Do you want to stay home today?" She asked and she felt my forehead. "Liz, you're burning up!"

I sighed. "Great. And yeah, I think I should." I said. Mom nodded.

"I'll bring your breakfast up to you in a couple minutes, let me finish getting your brothers ready."

"Alright." I nodded as I walked up to my room, tiredly.

I plop into my bed and pull my covers over me.

"Ugh, I'm sick!" I say to myself, after the 100th time. I roll over and groan. My whole body was in pain. I grab my phone and open Michael's contact and I text him.

E: Hey, I'm not coming to school today, I'm sick :(
M: Awwah! Feel better :( poor you
E: Yeah, lol
M: I wish I could do something to help
E: Don't worry about it lmao
M: I have an idea haha
E: What? XD
M: You'll just have to wait and see ;)
E: Should I be scared? XD
M: Nahhh XD

I chuckle softly to myself as my mother comes in my room with a tray of my breakfast.

"Here you go, honey." Mom smiled and placed the tray on my side table.

"Thanks." I weakly smile at her. Mom nodded.

"Your father and I are going to work and your brothers are going to be at school. Max has after school club, Will had football practice and the twins have a project so you will be home until about 6:30." Mom said. My brother Max was 8, Will was 14 and the twins, Henry and Tyler are 19. Yeah, I grew up in a house with 4 brothers. It's pretty crazy so if was kind of nice to get a break, though I was crazy sick.

"Bye honey. See you in a few hours." Mom kissed my forehead and walked out of my room, closing my door.

"Bye, mommy." I croaked and weakly rolled over to my side, as I heard my mom's car pull out of the driveway, moments later and drive to work.

"Maybe if I take a nap, I'll feel better soon." I say to myself and I close my eyes and slowly, yet peacefully, drift off into sleep.


In the middle of my dreams, I hear a ringing go off. I slowly began to wake up in realization that my phone was ringing. I groan and rub my eyes. Once my eyes finally adjust to the phone screen, I see that name across the screen is "Michael". I raise my eyebrow and click 'accept'.

"Hello?" I managed to say.

"Liza? Hey, I noticed you weren't in school today, are you okay?" Michael said, sounding slightly concerned.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, just a little bit sick." I explain, getting up from my bed and heading downstairs.

"Okay," Michael said. "How're you feeling?"

"Eh, not too great." I answer, honestly as I shuffle to the sink and get some water.

"That sucks...hey I gotta go but I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Alright, thank you for calling."

"No problem! Feel better, bye!" Michael hung up the phone.

I shut my phone off and walked to the couch with my water and grabbed a blanket in the basket of blankets beside the couch. I put my phone on the coffee table and wrap myself in a blanket after tiring a movie on. Because I still felt very sick, I was extremely drowsy and wanted to sleep. So, 10 minutes into the movie I felt myself fall asleep.



I hear my doorbell ring in my sleep. I open my eyes and groan as I slowly sit up and rub my eyes.

"What is it now?" I say to myself as i shuffle towards my door and open it.

"Hey Liza!" Michael says, smiling with a basket in his hand.

"Michael?" I looked at him. "How did you get here?"

"You told me your address, remember?" Michael chuckled.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry I'm so out of it." I giggle weakly.

"It's okay. I brought you something. Can I come in?"

"Mhm." I nod and slowly move out of the way. "I don't wanna get you sick, though."

"It's fine, Liza. I have a pretty strong immune system." Michael gave me a small smile. I nod my head and I shuffle to the couch and sit down, wrapping my blanket around me. Michael sits down next to me and hands me the basket. I smile a bit and look inside it.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do this."

"No problem! And I wanted to." He smiled.

I smile wider and tuck my hair behind my ears.

"I'll open it up later. I'm super tired right now." I say.

"Oh that's no problem." He said. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm good right now, thank you." I smile.

"Alright." He smiled. Michael got up. "I should probably get going now."

"Okay. Thank you so much for stopping by though!"

"It was nothing." Michael leaned down and hugged me. "Bye Liza. Get well soon."

"Thank you. Bye, Michael." I hugged him back.

Michael got up once again and showed me a quick smile before walking towards the door. He opened it, walked out and closed it behind him. I got up and followed to lock the door behind him. I smile to myself before heading back to the couch and once again, cuddling in my blanket.

A/N: woahhh im so so sorry for not updating! this year has been super crazy. i've been through so much. fake friends, a bad breakup, lots of tests and i have a job now. and i get writers block very often. but i will try my best to update as much as i can! and i will try to do it more frequently! thank you so much for sticking around haha, i promise i having abandoned this book. also, the part for calums gf is open again! so is luke and ashton! so if you want to be one of their gf's just comment and i will PM you for more details. once again thank you all so much for sticking around. :) see you all in the next chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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