Chapter 9

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Elizabeth's POV

I got off the bus and I almost ran home, pretty excited to go to the movie with Michael. Well, along with Calum and Alanna. I don't know why I was excited. Well, yes I do. At that time, I may or may not of have been developing a teensy tiny crush on Michael.

When I arrived home, I unlocked the door with a set of house keys I had and ran up to my room. I almost run into one of my older brothers, Caden.

"Woah, watch where you're going, Liz!" Caden chucked and walked downstairs. I smile to myself and when I reach my room, I close my door. I lock it and check my phone to see that Michael had texted me about the details. We were going to the movies at 6 and he was to pick me up at 5:40. I look at my alarm clock and see that is is around 3:00.

"Okay, Lizzie, you have about 2 and a half hours to get ready." I say to myself. I sigh and sit down at my dresser, staring at my makeup, lied out in front of me. Although I only wear nothing but the occasional lipgloss to school, I do, however wear makeup to very fancy events. And I think I'm good enough at it. I thought wearing makeup, even if it's just a little, would be appropriate for my very first 'date'. I take off my glasses and squint in the mirror. I begin doing my makeup. I start off with a little concealer and powder. I contour the slightest bit and put on a thin winged eyeliner, topped with mascara. I put on a nude lip gloss and put my glasses back on. I stared in the mirror. I didn't really recognize myself. Was that a good thing? Would Michael care? Wait, why do I care what Michael thinks? Because he's cute. Wait...what? I shake my head and walk away from my mirror. I then look at my clock and see that an hour as passed. Now, I have to do my hair and put on something better to wear. I have about an hour and a half left.

I walk over to my closet and look for an outfit.

"Okay." I said to myself. "What to wear?" I look through my closet and after about 10 minutes of debating and looking through clothes, I finally found an outfit.

I put on a black skirt, a plain white v-neck shirt and a pair of boots. I walked over to my bathroom that was in my room and grab my straightening iron to fix my hair up. Once that heated up I began to do my hair.

The hour has now passed. Michael was to pick me up soon. I had told my parents that I was going to the movies with only Alanna. And they believed me. I feel extremely guilty to lie to the two people that have understood me my whole life. But I had to. I grab the things I would need for the movie; money, my phone, my school ID just in case they ask for my age, house keys, gum and feminine products just in know and put them in my bag.

Pretty soon, Michael has texted me that he was around the corner, where he was to pick me up.

"Mom! Uh...Alanna is around the corner!" I call out.

"Okay, bye honey I love you and stay safe!" My mom calls from upstairs.

"Love you too!" I walk out the door and close it behind me. I start to walk around the corner to where Michael was. I spot him and pick up the pace of my walking towards him.

"Hi, Michael." I say, giving a shy smile. Michael looks up from his phone and a smirk slowly spreads across his face as his eyes look at me up and down.

"You look great, Liza. Now hop ok before we're late." Michael says sweetly and not taking his eyes off of me until I get on the back seat. He hands me the spare helmet and I take off my glasses, putting them in my bag and put the helmet on.

"Hold on, sweetheart." Michael says and I grasp his shoulders as he starts up his motorcycle and drives off onto the highway.

During the 10 minute ride to the movies, Michael was either singing Green Day softly to himself or making conversation with me.

"You're a good singer." I say while he was in the middle of singing "21 Guns".

"Thanks." Michael says. I hear the humbleness in his voice when he said that.


Michael parks his motorcycle in a spot in the parking lot of the cinema. He gets off, putting his helmet on the seat, before helping me off and removing my helmet for me. Michael grins, the moment the helmet is off and puts it on the seat behind the first one. I fix my hair and put on my glasses before adjusting my purse and looking at Michael. He grinned at me and took my hand, escorting me into the theater. I didn't know this side of Michael until today. He seemed like such a gentleman, which was basically his alter ego from his actual personality. He even held the door open and offered to pay for my ticket. But, after a couple minutes of "arguing", I was able to convince him to let me buy my own ticket.

We walk in the theater after buying the tickets and see Cal and Alanna, waiting for us. We walk over and they smile.

"Hey!" Alanna gave me a friendly hug while Calum and Michael 'bro hugged' as they like to call it.

"You ready?" Calum asked Alanna as he grabbed her hand and she nodded. Michael looked at me.

"What about you?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and we made our way over to the screening room. The four of us take our seats, in the back and we made it just in time, a few minutes before the movie started, after the previews.

The movie soon started. It was the Conjuring 2. It was pretty scary in my opinion. I may or may not of have yelled once or twice out loud. And Michael kept me in his arms when I felt scared. That made me feel a bit warm and happy inside. Alanna and Calum were making out most of the time so...yeah.


We walked out of the theater and I was still pretty scarred by that movie. Calum and Alanna made their way over to Cal's car and the drive home, saying how we will see them on Monday. We nod and make our way over to Michael's motorcycle. He puts the keys on the ignition and we hop on the bike. Michael begins to drive in the direction of my house. There was conversation between the two of us during the time of the ride. After about ten minutes, Michael drops me off a few houses away from my house.

"Thank you so much, Michael." I smile, giving his helmet back to him.

"No problem." Michael took off his helmet and smiled, looking deep into my eyes. His eyes then wandered to my lips and he just started at them, seeming to loose focus.

"Uh, Michael? Are you alright?" I ask, blushing a bit.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Michael said, snapping out of his trance. I nod and wave. Michael smiles and waves to me.

"See you Monday!" He says as I walk away.

"Okay!" I call back and walked to my house.

Michael's POV

Why didn't I kiss her? I was so close! Wait, even if I did kiss her, she was going to think I was weird. But she looked so pretty! Ugh, I'm getting myself stressed out over nothing. I sigh to myself and start up my motorcycle, before driving home.

a/n: so sorry for the lack of updates!! schools been crazy! ill try to update more soon and thank you for 100 reads' ily all!!

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