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Chapter 11: The Real Reason

Since I fell asleep along the ride since I had nothing else to do...what are you supposed to do when you're locked in a trunk being driven to your death...at least make the most out of it...I chose to sleep. I woke up in some type of aircraft, it wasn't flying but the seats were kind of comfortable to be honest so I didn't really mind that I was laying here. The aircraft wasn't a helicopter or an airplane, it was a private jet...

Wait...who's private jet is this...they stole it didn't they?

I was looking out the window and no one was here except the gang and...COLTON?! As I was trying to pay attention to what they were doing, Hunter walked in and I wasn't in the mood to be bothered. Instead of flinching, like I usually do, I narrowed my eyes at him and laid back down.

"Do you know where we are," he suddenly asked me.

I sat up and rolled my eyes, "yeah I know exactly where we are...THE WILLY WONKA CHOCOLATE FACTORY!"

All he did was laugh at me and he took the seat in front of me while I crossed my arms and raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"We're basically at our base...oh, and for the private jet...it was my dad's before he got divorced with my mom and I ran away...I joined this gang...and I stole my dad's jet, and boom, explanation over!" He takes a bow.

"Nope," I gesture him to sit back down, "I'm serious...why the hell would you marry someone and hurt her...you never loved her didn't you?"

It seemed like he got pretty angry at that statement and he picked me up by my throat.

"Just kill me already...I'd rather die than stick with you people," I struggle to get out the words as he tightens his grip around my neck.

He chuckled humorlessly and flies me across the floor, hitting my head on the back wall. He stomped over to me and kneeled down next to me, making me sit up by pulling my hair.

"What the fuck do you want," I scoff while scooting away from him.

"Ok...my dad never got divorced with my mom and this was never my dad's jet...we just stole it from some random person and I joined this gang to save someone that I used to care about..." He admits while running his fingers through his dark hair.

"I was trying to save Corey."

Mistakes//Cowan {COMPLETED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن