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Chapter 48: They're Back

Corey's POV

I've been waiting for Rowan at her place for hours on end. It's already 9:02 and I have no idea where she is, I keep pacing around the living room. Good thing Rowan's babysitter isn't here, as usual, since she would start to ask questions. I tried to calm myself down, she was probably with Sabrina right? Yeah, maybe she's with Sabrina and her phone just died, yeah, let's call Sabrina.

After three long, intimidating rings, she finally picks up.

"Sabrina?! Thank god you picked up, are you with Rowan...she hasn't come home and I'm starting to get worried," I basically scream into the receiver.

"No...oh my gosh, have you tired calling her," she starts to panic also and I find myself slamming onto the couch, trying to catch my breath.

"Yes I have like ten dozen times and it keeps going straight to voicemail," I run my fingers through my hair and down my face, this can't be happening.

"Corey come pick Peyton and I up, we'll go and search for her," she says eagerly and I nod my head...suddenly realizing she can't see me.

"Uh...y-yeah, I'm coming," I hang up the phone and immediately grab my keys, sprinting over to the car.

Rowan's POV

I've been trying to break free from these unnecessary tight ass chains for the past hours and I had not succeeded, not even the slightest. I was starting to get sweaty and from my visible neckline from my v-neck, you could see dripping sweat. They took my coat, my expensive coat I bought with my own money and they took it.

I gave up and leaned my head against the wall, out of breath. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep so I wouldn't have to endure the pain coming from the hurtful chains until I heard the creaking door open.

From that moment I saw Colton. The one person out of all people and Colton, I haven't seen him in a while.

"I thought you were thrown in jail," I looked at him with a stank eye and groaning from the pain.

"Do you not remember, I did track and field, it was put into good use when the cops showed up," he smirked, that smirk...that smirk right there sent shivers down my spine.

I haven't seen that smirk, that intimidating glare of his, those fists that always used to scare me. I was suddenly terrified and just to add the little cherry on top, in walks Hunter

"You," I say in a low husky tone and he hold his hand up to his chest like he's offended.

"Oh you don't have to be so rude about it," he started to chuckle, "you know running from the police is hard work but it helps when you have someone who was in track and field."

He high fives Colton and they start to walk towards me. With every step they took it felt like I was losing every piece of hope of living. They were so intimidating and so disastrous, I literally feel like I'm going to die tonight. Colton walks to a table next to me and Hunter just stays sitting on the ground in front of me. I don't couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved of the thought that they didn't straight up kill me but then again, they aren't that dumb.

I suddenly realize the necklace wasn't around my neck and I started to panic. I could see Colton chuckling from the corner of my eye and my blood started to boil with anger. I cocked my head towards him with the bitchiest bitch face of all time! (Read that like you would say "Get to the chopper!!")

"What," he asks while loading a gun with bullets, I felt my body shaking and my eyes suddenly filled with fear.

"Relax, it's not for you, it's for your friends who will come and find you and POOF they're all dead," he smiles widely and walks outside the room with the gun in hand.

"Ya know you could've just took the necklace from my neck and ran away...I seriously don't need to be here right now," I scoffed while trying to relax myself.

"Yeah but where's the fun in that," he smirks deviously and I immediately regretted saying what I said.

"Where are we anyway," I sigh, not caring what happens to me...Colton's seriously going to murder people I care about.

"It's another gang base...thanks to you guys, some of the members are now in jail, thanks a lot," he rolls his eyes.

"Oh no problem," I respond with an innocent smile.

"Yep this is going to be interesting," he says picking himself up from the ground.

Corey's POV

I headed to every gang base I knew of in New York, it's only been a few hours so they couldn't have gone that far. Sabrina and Peyton were panicking like me, shaking and sweating even though it was below 30°. This is all my fault, I'm the one who put that stupid necklace around her neck and not thinking about the other gang members, I didn't even know there were any left other than Alex. Most of them were either thrown in jail or killed in a fight with another gang which I'm guessing would have to be Rowan's parents.

Suddenly, I get an unexpected call from Ben. I reluctantly answer it and put it on speaker so Sabrina and Peyton could hear.

"Corey, listen to me very carefully..." he started giving me directions to a building with a fence wrapped around it, it was still under constructing.

"Ben...what is this place," I say as I pull up to a random dirt filled lot that is not even for parking but I couldn't care less at this point.

"No time...just go get Rowan," he screams and I immediately start to head towards the ground floor that seemed to be finished but the roof wasn't, only one of the rooms had a part of the roof finished, I'm guessing that's where they were.

We saw this all from a corner where wooden planks and a bunch of stone were covering most of our faces. Right before I thought the coast was clear and we were ready to go, I spotted Colton with a gun in his hands, looking ready to fire.

"Colton," I didn't notice I said his name out loud...just seeing his face made me feel so angry.

A/N: Ok so, Colton and my boiii Hunter are back. Lol, don't take that seriously, I hate Hunter to...anyways, told ya guys I was going to post a chapter today! Hope you peoples enjoyeeeddd! (Also I just changed the cover and I'm so sorry if you don't like it but I kinda did so.)

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