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Chapter 54: Did She Hear Me?

Corey's POV

I stayed quiet while Sabrina tried to calm Peyton down. He kept cursing at me, telling me that I'm a horrible boyfriend to Rowan. Maybe he's right, shes been going through so much lately and I just made out with her best friend. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I don't know what to do.

"Peyton I'm so sorry...I was just caught up in the moment," Sabrina kept telling him over and over again.

But no, there was no explanation for this, I made a huge mistake that would come with great consequences. One of them being Rowan, even I tell her I didn't mean it, I would be lying. Once Sabrina's lips touched mine, I didn't want to just pull back even though that would've been the right thing to do. I love Rowan, I really do but, what if I have feelings for Sabrina to?

How am I supposed to explain this to Rowan when she wakes up?

I kept over thinking everything before Peyton's hard fist came out of nowhere, crashing into my skull.


"You bastard, you fucking bastard," Peyton screamed louder and louder, still punching me continuously.

"Peyton stop," Sabrina yelled, tears filling her eyes as she attempted to rip Peyton off of me.

I deserved it, I deserved to be like this. I kissed my girlfriend's best friend and I don't know if I have feelings for her. I just messed everything up didn't I?

Sabrina finally got Peyton off of me and he was a bit calmer now than how he was before. Sabrina kept apologizing, her face swelling with tears, asking for his forgiveness. All their voices were muffled though, my vision was insanely blurry, and I could see Peyton's lips moving but I couldn't make it out. Well, whatever it was made Sabrina dropWhen you left, your friend or something took me home. Well I'm guessing he's your friend since he knew your name. silent and She slapped him and shoved him continuously.

"How could you hurt him when you did the same thing," Sabrina pointed at me, still looking at Peyton, her voice full of hatred and rage.

"You know what, we're over," Peyton shoved Sabrina and she fell backwards onto her coffee table, completely silent.

The last thing I heard was the door slam and then my world completely blacked out.

Sabrina's POV

I started to massage my temples, cursing at myself for doing what I just did. I know it was wrong, I know he's dating my best friend but...the way he looked at me in that moment, I just couldn't help myself. I've always thought of Corey as a friend...until Rowan started dating Colton. I needed to make sure my feelings weren't real so I was determined to get Rowan and him together. Besides, Rowan always had a crush on Corey and she finally got him but I just had to ruin everything.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Sabrina," I screamed loudly in rage with myself, throwing a vase of flowers at the wall.

Suddenly, the whole base cracked into pieces, water splattering everywhere, and roses scattered randomly all over the floor.

You're such a bad friend, you had no right to do that to Rowan, Sabrina! What the hell is wrong with you, especially me! What about us, was I not enough for you...huh?! You know what...fuck it, I cheated on you with Paris...ok? I felt guilty for days but now I just don't give a shit. Have a nice life Sabrina, you know what, we're over!

Peyton's harsh words kept ringing through my head. He was being a hypocrite, he beat Corey for giving into my kiss when he cheated on me with Paris first. Even though I was angry at him and angry at myself, I couldn't help but feel sad that the connection that Peyton and I had for years, is now gone and we'll probably never get it back. I finally let out a sob that I've been holding back, I continued to let my feelings out for minutes, curling myself into a little ball.

My front door smashed open and suddenly my mom walked into the living room with her boyfriend until looking at the scene and her mood dropped.

"What's going on here," she asked softly, deep bags under her eyes.

"Mom," I sniffled while rocking myself back and forth on the floor, "I did a horrible thing."

Her eyes filled with sympathy until she knelt down and hugged me tightly, rubbing my back soothingly. She kept repeating the words everything's going to be ok but deep down inside, I knew it wasn't going to be ok...any time soon.


My mother was dealing with Corey back at home while I spilt my heart out to Rowan, telling her everything I did and everything that happened since. Leaving out the part that Peyton and I broke up and that he cheated on me with Paris.

Back at home with my mother, I told her everything and she listened carefully, hanging onto my every word. I realized I misjudged my mother, maybe she's going through something hard and I wasn't there for her, I wasn't the person to sit there and listen to her story yet she did it for me. I felt so guilty and so broken, I didn't know what to do with myself.

"Rowan I'm so sorry," I sobbed, clinging onto her hand, "there's no explanation whatsoever. I just want you to know that I still love you and if you decide to stop being my friend than so be it, maybe I deserve that anyway."

I finished my long speech, telling her everything she needed to know. All of a sudden, it was quiet, it was intimidatingly quiet until I realized her heart rate accelerated, her chest puffing up. I widened my eyes, nurses and doctors rushed in and they forced me out of the room, ignoring my protests.

Did she hear me?

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