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^ So I found this on Instagram ^

Chapter 40: Uncovering More

"Wait....you're his what now," I couldn't believe what he just said. If Corey and Alex were brothers that means that they're the family that's against mine...but what about Corey's parents? Why would they help us or even try and protect me?

"Yeah, I'm his brother, I know what your thinking. I'm guessing Corey told you that our parents are helping yours and actually doing them a favor and protecting you but trust me they ain't doing it for the right reasons," he was about to leave with my book until I stopped him in his tracks.

"What do you think you're doing," I snatch the book out of his hands. "I'm taking this book Rowan," he tries to snatch it back but I just tighten my grip on it.

"Rowan...give me the book and there will be no problem," he pulls his face closer to mine and decides that a threat and a death stare is going to make me crack.

"No, you're the problem here so back off," I shove him away harder than I expected. He looks at me with a surprised expression and I take this opportunity to run down to where Corey was sleeping.

"Give me that book Rowan," he screams at me right before I slam the door behind me to my parents room. "Corey wake up," I scream and turn the bright chandelier on.

"What," he groans still not opening his eyes.



"...That's why," I scream at Corey and he instantly sits up. "A-Alex...he's here?" His face fills up with horror and walks over to the door.

"Corey, what the hell are you doing," I grab his arm to stop him but he just shoves me away.

He swings the door open and before Alex could get to me, Corey grabs his collar and pushed him up against the wall.

"Why'd you come here," Corey starts to sound a bit more aggressive and angry.

"Ask your girlfriend, oh by the way, I told her some bits and pieces you left out...brother," Alex smirked and looked at Corey directly with his bright blue eyes...which looked much like Corey's may I add.

Corey looked over to me for a split second and when he faced back at Alex, he slammed him against the wall once more, "if you ever come here again or even come near her...I won't think twice about killing you," Corey says quietly, "and as for you being my brother...I don't know about you but I don't consider us to be related."

"Oh come on Corey...you might say that but we both know I'm still a Fogelmanis whether you like it or not...and if I were you I would be blaming Mom and Dad," Alex shrugs before shoving Corey off of him, "One last thing...you know I'm ten times stronger than you right?"

Alex leaves after shooting me that intimidating glare of his. He might want this book more than me but I need this book more than he does and I think a 'need' is more important than a 'want'. Plus, this is supposed to be mine anyways so I have a right to keep it.

Once he's completely out of sight, I run up to Corey and give him a hug, "thank you."

"No problem," he responds and pulls away from the hug in the process. 

"How come you didn't tell me that Alex was your brother," I ask him while gulping on my saliva.

"I didn't want you to think any less of me, you know, because he hurt your sister."

"Really or were you just scared what I would think of you if I knew that your family is the family that mine is fighting," I raise both of my eyebrows.

"Wait...what," he looked more confused than ever.

"Yeah, Alex told me that your family is against mine," I added furiously.

He just stood there and looked at me like I was crazy. "He's probably lying...why would my parents tell me to protect you if my family was against yours," he started to laugh hysterically.

"I don't know, plans...strategies...there's so many possibilities! You know what, just go and ask Alex yourself...he's your brother after all," I try and get my point across.

"Alex is my brother Rowan but why would my parents tell him all about this and not me," he started to get ready to sleep again.

"You don't get this do you? When you met me, we were like immediate best friends...you were the closest to me and I've never met Alex before in my life. They were probably using you as a strategy Corey," I hate to admit it or even say it to his face on that note but it was possibly true.

"So your saying my parents wanted me to so called 'protect' you so they could get to you and your family," he paused for a moment, "but they didn't want me to know that because if I did they knew I wouldn't agree to it...huh...I'm going to kill them."

I started to laugh more like to cover up my relief since he didn't over react and actually thought about it before going all crazy. "Don't confront them though, they might do something even worse to get that necklace," I demand.

"I know, I'm not going to...I wish I could," he turns his lamp off and I hop into bed with him.

"I'm not going back up stairs," I tell him before completely passing out.

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