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Chapter 26: Fights Between Friends
*A week later*

"Yeah I know," I respond to my mom's orders for when I get home from winter break.

Turns out my parents are treating themselves to a cruise for about three weeks, the same amount of time we're spending here. There's going to be a substitute and that means kids are going to be even crazier in class since the actual teacher isn't there to lecture you. At least I have the house to myself for three weeks.

"You also have a babysitter," My mom says into the receiver.

"What?! Are you serious," I run my fingers through my hair.

"Well...we can't leave you home alone," she sighs and I just listen to the rest of her instructions and things to do once I get home.

"We're going home in about five days right," I ask Sabrina and she nods her head yes.

"Well, my parents are leaving at about the time we land in New York so I have the house to myself for three weeks...except for my babysitter," I sigh and she chuckles.

"You have a babysitter," Sabrina laughs even more.

"It's my mom...of course I'm going to have a babysitter," I hit her in the arm and I fell in the seat next to her.

"This trip...I'm never going to Cali again," I laugh and she nods her head in agreement.

"Wait..." she suddenly stopped laughing, "you never told me why Colton was there."

I stiffen and gulp while she examines my facial expression.


I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair, "I can't tell you..."

"What do you mean...we're best friends...we don't keep secrets from each other," she stood up from her seat and I looked up at her.

"I know...it's just something I can't tell you," I try and reason with her.

Corey walks in the room and Sabrina clenches her jaw.

"I bet you told Corey...right," she trails off and I could see the rage in her eyes.

"Sabrina...why are you being so over dramatic...it's just something I can't tell anyone," I stand up from the couch and Sabrina rolls her eyes.

"You told Corey...didn't you," she chuckles humorlessly, "you're letting some boy get in the way of our friendship...you're telling him EVERYTHING BUT YOU CAN'T TRUST ME...at least not anymore."

"I can trust you Sabrina...I just can't tell you this one thing," I throw my hands up in the air in frustration.

"Yeah ok," she rolls her eyes once more.

Sabrina was always stubborn when it came to trust and secrets, but if she knew what was happening...she wouldn't act like this. I can't tell her...I need to keep this a secret. Corey only knows this cause...he's Corey but Sabrina...I don't want her getting involved or anyone else in that matter.

"Come find me when you suck it up and decide to tell me...otherwise, go find a new best friend," she says before running out of the hotel room.

We found a hotel last night at least two miles away from the hospital, Sabrina was probably going to take the car to go and visit Peyton.

I run my hands down my face and when I turn around, I realize that Corey was still there.

"She's being so petty right now...don't worry, it'll go away in a few days," I sighed and ran my hand down my face.

"She doesn't understand...you should tell her Row...it'll make things a whole lot easier for you," he assured me and I shook my head no.

"I can't...she'll get involved in all of my bullshit mess," I sniffle and he laughs.

"You put up with my bullshit mess right," he chuckles and I lean in for a hug.

"Ya know...let me be sad when I want to," I whisper and he smiles.

I pat his chest and leave the living room only because I wanted to leave with the last word. I was still kind of sad that I guess...Corey's mistake was kissing me. I'm guessing he doesn't want to date me anytime soon but I'm going to enjoy the rest of this vacation as much as I can.

I walk into one of the bedroom's with the two twin beds and change into a bikini so I could head to the pool. The last time I went to a pool, I came face to face with Colton...let's hope I don't come face to face with anyone else I don't want to see. I put a oversized shirt over my bikini and grab a towel. As I was about to leave, my phone starts to ring. I turn back to the nightstand and I read the contact name I've only kept for a certain reason...but I don't think I should talk to him.

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