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Chapter 51: I'll be Patient

Corey's POV

I was sitting on the chair Sabrina was once sitting on, staring at Rowan...unconscious still, fighting for her life. She didn't deserve this, she didn't deserve to be put in these situations. If only I got there sooner, she wouldn't be in a coma right now. Her wound was much worse than Peyton, she was shot in a similar place but this time it was more serious.

All the noises in the room were the cars passing by outside and the intimidating beeps coming from the heart monitor. Every time it beeped, I prayed to God it wouldn't stop, signaling her heart wasn't beating anymore. I kept talking to her, hoping she could hear me. Everyday, I told her how school went and how everyone was doing.

Danielle and Ben came to visit these last few days but today they had to go to work. I saw in their eyes how much they dreaded to leave their daughter's side at a time like this. I thought about it for a while and realized that yeah, Rowan's biological father gave birth to her and technically is her real dad but, your real father should be the person who raised you and made you the person you are today. I hope Rowan could realize that when she wakes up.

I had hope she'll wake up, I wasn't going to give up on her. Every night that I left, I couldn't sleep, not even if I tried. I kept over thinking and over working my brain, I feel so depressed and so unsure of what to do now that I know there's a possibility she won't wake up. I know she wouldn't give up on me, I'm going to do the same.

It's not only her looks that make her so beautiful, it's the way she helps you when no one else is there to do so. The way she looks at me and instantly changes my mood. The way she sees the best in a terrible situation...and right now I couldn't do that. I needed to know that she'll be alive and healthy once more, she needed to wake up.


It was 9:00 P.M. and I finally arrived at home after another day of staying at the hospital after school. I sighed before taking off my jacket and hanging it up by the door. There were deep bags under my eyes from all the sleep that I lost. My eyes were red from all the time I spent crying, my hair was shooting up in different directions from all the times I tugged at it in frustration, turns out my parents didn't seem to notice.

"Hey Corey, back from the hospital," my mom asked me with a fake smile on her face.

I mentally rolled my eyes and I walked passed her, not making eye contact, "no...I came back from my journey to find the fucks I give towards you."

They knew I knew since I confronted them about lying to me. I always knew that they had some type of hatred towards me just because I denied to be in a stupid gang. They were fake and cold hearted. I understand that they're upset about Rowan's biological parents killing my aunt and uncle but why would they throw their own son under the bus just to get revenge.

"That's no way to act towards your mother Corey," her scream booming through the halls.

I immediately stopped and stood frozen in my position. She's such a hypocrite, sometimes I just wished she would understand how much hatred I have towards them, they always found a way to curve it. I turned around and stomped towards her, she stayed still in her position, knowing I wouldn't physically hurt her but oh boy...I was sure about to verbally hurt her.

"Me...are you kidding me," I said quietly but the anger was clear in my voice, "are you kidding me mom?! Fuck, I can't even call you my mom...you threw me under the bus just to get revenge and I know why you're upset but I'm your son! You're own son should be way more important than a damn plan to get back at Rowan's parents! You used me to get to Rowan...I bet dad and you wouldn't give a damn if I got hurt in the process...you're both cold hearted, devilish bastards."

She stood there, her eyes widened with shock. She gulped on her saliva before staring down at her feet. She looked back up and this time she had icy eyes filled with pure hatred.

"Get out," she snapped, "pack your stuff and leave...I don't care where you go just leave! I don't want to see you after 9:20."

She walked past me like what she said was completely normal. A part of me was happy that I got to leave but another part of me was completely oblivious as to where I could go. I could got to Peyton's but that would just be awkward, all the fights we got in lately, he wouldn't let me stay. The only other place I could go to was Sabrina's.


I finally finished packing everything I thought I needed and called up Sabrina.

"Hey Sab um could I stay at your house for a while...like a couple of nights...I'll explain everything when I get there."

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