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Chapter 28: "Love is a weakness"


I immediately run outside of the bedroom and check on Rowan. She's still sleeping on the couch and I sigh.

Protect her Corey...she doesn't deserve to die for you.

"Rowan wake up," I shake her slightly and she doesn't wake up.

Damn you.

I decide to dog pile her and she still doesn't wake up.

Ok...where's the speaker?

I grab the speaker Sabrina packed out of her bag and connect it to my phone and put the phone on full volume before blasting heavy metal music. She jumps up from the couch and holds her hand over her chest.

"What the fuck," she screams and I turn the music off.

"Rowan...I'm sorry," I begin and she narrows her eyes at me, "Uriah's after you..."

"What...why," She walks over to me.

"He wants to get to me," I run my fingers through my hair and Rowan bites her lip.

"Why does he want to get to you...Sabrina's his ex and he originally wanted to talk to her," she says as she walks back over to the couch.

"I don't know," I lie...I knew exactly why but if she knew to much than she would be an easier target.

"You're keeping something from me," she crosses her arms and I gulp on my saliva, "tell me."

"No...Rowan you know enough to get you hurt...I'm not going to get you killed," I take her hands in mine and she sighs while nodding her head signaling she understands.

"We're cancelling the trip...we're flying back over to New York," I stand up from the couch and I disconnect my phone from the speaker.

"What about Sabrina o-or Peyton or Cici," she throws her hands up in the air in frustration.

"Once Peyton's out of the hospital, we'll get the tickets...we can't wait until the end of these five days, Uriah would make a move by then," I respond and she runs her hands down her face.

"True but...Cici..." I look at her with a disgusted expression.

"Hell no, she's coming back to New York when she feels like it...I ain't gon' buy her a plane ticket," I wave her off and she starts to laugh.

"Well this was officially the worst winter break of my life," Rowan confesses and I nod my head in agreement.

"There's always next summer or spring break," I shrug and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Rowan walks back over to her room and I decided to pack up some stuff ahead of time.


"How long is Peyton staying in the hospital," Rowan asks me as I sit on the bed next to her.

"Well...he's already been there for almost a week already so he'll be out soon enough," I respond and she nods her head.

"Corey, I think I'm going to head to bed, I just don't want to think about anything right now," She was about to walk into the other room but I stop her.

"Umm Rowan...could I say something," she turns around and looks at me with concern.

"What's up," Rowan slides her hand down my arm until it reaches my hand and she keeps her's there.

"When you look up at the sky...what do you think of..." I randomly ask her and she thinks for a moment.

"Pluto," she responds with a chirpy smile.

"Is Pluto a planet to you," I ask with a slight chuckle.

"Always," she rocks on her heels.

"Than it's a planet to me to."

A/N: Sorry for the boring, sort chapter. I'm writing others so don't be to disappointed. 😊

Also all of these banners you see, I made them. If someone else made them, I would credit them, just to make it clear.

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