Us Showing The Group Our 'Secret!'

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Okay so me and Carl just got back to Alexandria *and i have the pregnancy test for proof, just in case nobody believes us!* but if Rick gets angry then Carl agrees to let me kill him...and it's going to be Rick's fault; "we're baaaaaaack!" i said in a funny *and really dumb.....sort of!!!!!* sing-song voice and that earned a giggle from Carl "you guys took a little too long, wherever did you go?" everyone asked us right after we came back and the gate closed behind us "in the f***ing woods....where else did you think....idiots?!?!" me and Carl chimed angrily in sync *with me snarling my fangs bared while Carl yelled the f word like i did but louder------we can be so feisty when angry, sorry not sorry!!!!!!!* "oh and by the way check this out....but don't show Rick....OR ELSE!" i said and threw my positive stick over to Maggie (and she caught it!) then she stared at it in shock "wow, i know what this means!" she told me "yeah if your thinking...i am pregnant!!!!" i told her and pointed to my tummy "Steph, do you mind if i----?" Maggie asked me sweetly while gesturing toward my tummy, i shook my head 'no' telling her that i didn't mind at all then Maggie quickly drew back her hand after feeling a small kick after that happened both Carl and i smiled then all of us laughed at Maggie's reaction and topping it off they all took turns doing the same thing like Maggie did & even drawing back their hands...and then me & Carl grinned at each other then suddenly we saw Rick....i glanced at Carl "hide the stick Carl, i don't want your father to find out about this------because i have a very very bad feeling!" i softly whispered to Carl he nodded then hid the pregnancy test in his back pocket *umm that is pretty awkward, and besides i am blushing!!!!!!!* "what's up everyone....and what is with the laughing?" Rick asked us i closed my eyes for 2 seconds------then i opened them again: except now they where purple & orange. "that's none of your damn beeswax Rick....because you don't have to know!!!!!!!!!" i hissed right in his face. "don't you even------!" he almost said it but i just cut off Rick by showing HIM my middle finger, now that caused the whole group and Carl to double-over on the ground while they laughed totally hard-core. (but Carl was the one laughing way more harder then everybody else, his hat was on the ground and he couldn't get up cause of how much & hard he was laughing from my reaction of what i did!) "do you need some of my help down there....cowboy????????" i sweetly asked Carl he just nodded then i helped him up & gave his cowboy hat back to him out of nowhere he pulled me down with him and we rolled straight down a big @$$ hill *then we tried pinning each other down while we still rolled......and i successfully did so 10 times before we finally stopped moving!!!!!!!!!* "that's exactly what you get for whatever it is you just did to me.....frisky little cowboy!!!!!!!" i said to Carl and giggling *while probably making the whole group thinking in which that we might have been....hooking up from down-hill where nobody can see....eww as if that's going to happen!* "hey there love-birds are you guys finished with what-ever your doing from down there?!?!" Glenn asked us then i started to blush and sprinted back up hill. while just leaving my poor boyfriend Carl down there on purpose "Hey can somebody help me up this big hill or not?!?!?!" he said but in question. "i'll do it!!!!!" Rick told him *time-skip;* "thanks a lot for leaving me down a hill where i either could have been eaten by a horde or practically stupid bitch!!!!!!!" Carl explained in anger: "my own rules & beeswax-----plus your life which equals death or the other way around for you-----so choose very carefully!!!!!" i told him "Oh fine....i choose the other way around for my life!!!!!!" he replied "good actually chose right so i may spare you for now!" i said back:

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