Messing Around With Carl....Again!

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carl and i have finally decided to bring one of the pups with us, as long as carl keeps a close eye on her------but this time we're going to a small river & i've got a secret plan....when me carl and clarity *the little runt of the group and older sister to milorie.....of course!* are near the water-----guess what??? i am gonna shove carl right into it...LOL!!!! (me in a very funny and kind of dumb and sarcastic voice; 10 hours later...and giggling!) 'this is going to be so funny, besides that carl won't see it coming....LOL!!!!!!!' i told myself "OMG carl, what is that behind you?????" i asked while pointing at nothing "what is? i don't----" he asked me looking behind himself but i just cut carl off by pushing him into the river *& his face was just like: O_O* "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR....STEPH?!?!" he screeched at me as i shrugged but out of nowhere clarity and i bursted into laughter so hard-core that we both doubled-over onto the ground then soon enough carl was laughing too *even though he was really really soaking wet "steph....your so going to get it....just you wait and see!!!!" carl said to me now that really must have annoyed him because he gave me a mischievous glare: "it looks like you have to run, mom!!!!" clarity told me gesturing at carl then i squealed going on all fours and quickly sprinting away into the woods nearby "steph, your not getting away that know??????" carl yelled out for me "well i think she just did....." claire told him then out of the blue-----i jumped on carl's back and he shrieked like a girl and now me & clarity wouldn't stop laughing *because we had so much tears: also i think carl hadn't expected that!!!!!!!*

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