Chapter 2

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Dean POV
A van just pulled up in front of me. I wasn't worried intell a hooded man got out and pulled me.
"Help!!" I yelled
Shhhhhh the man said while putting his finger over my lips.
"Whats going on? who are you?" I said
"Shhhhh just shhhh" he said while driving off.
He strapped me in the passengers seat. He had one hand on my thigh. Whenever the van stopped he pulled out his dick and made me suck it. We stopped. I didn't know where we was but he pushed me into the back of the van. He pinned me to ground and sat on top of me and then pressed his lips against mine. I started to cry and yell for help. I tried to get him off me.
"Stop Please Stop!" I yelled out.
I moved around and finally got my arm free. I ripped his hood off to see who it was. It was Ray. I cried and tried to yell for help again. He started to punch me in the face over and over again.
"Shhhhhhh I don't want to hurt you cutie" He said
I felt blood running down my nose.
He fucked me and choked me intell I passed out.
*30 minutes later*
I woke up to see Ray carrying  me into my room and pinned me against the wall. I didn't have enough energy to get him off me. He turned me around and fucked me. I cried and cried. He started choking me I gasp for air.
"Please stop Ray stop!" I said gasping for air.
"Don't say my name!" He Yelled punching me in the face. 

*10 minutes later*
Ray dragged me to the bathroom and yelled at me tell me to take a shower. He threw a towel and underwear at me. Then he shut the door. I heard him leave out the house. I sat on the floor and cried. I wipe my tears and got up and started the shower. I turned around and look at myself in the mirror. I had a busted lip and a bloody nose and a black eye. I look down at my legs I had about 5 bruises. My butt was red and it hurt. I step into the shower. To wash all the blood away. 
*20 minutes later*
I walked to my room very slowly.
"Dean are you ok?" My mom asked.
"Yes mom. I'm just tired" I said while walking into my room and locked the door.
'Why can't I just die?' I said while crying into my pillow..............

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