Chapter 10

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Dean POV
*A month later*

Today was the play offs. Roman invited me to go and he gave me one of his jerseys to wear at the game. I loved watching Roman play. I get worried at times when he gets tackled but my baby strong. Now everyone knows who I am and that I'm Romans new boyfriend. Everyone calls us Ambreigns. I kinda liked it. It was cute.

*Bell rings*
Eww todays lunch looks nasty. But nothing was nasty when I was with Roman. When I see him walk him the cafeteria just makes me blush. Everything he does make me blush.
"Hey Cutie" he said while kissing me.
"Hey sexy"
"You still coming tonight?" He asked.
"Yes I wouldn't miss it for the world"
Mainly at lunch Roman holds me in his arm and we just talk. But he wasn't really talking. He looked worried.

"Roman are you ok. You seem worried"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"No your not. I can tell when your liying. What's wrong?" I asked while kissing his cheek.
"I'm just nervous about the play offs tonight"
"Aww baby there nothing to be nervous about you made it this far. Your the best on that field and tonight your gong to win"
"Aww thanks your the best"
For the rest of lunch we kissed and hugged.

*At the Play Offs*
I really didn't know what to do. Aj or Paige wasn't here yet. I was Just sitting here looking dumb.
"Did they start yet" A familiar girl voice behind me said.
"Aj, Paige finally"
"Lol" Paige said.
"Dean do you ever get worried see Roman play?" Aj asked.
"Sometimes, why"
"When I see Cm punk get tackled I get scared. What if he's really hurt?"
"Aww Aj. I get scared sometimes but I know Roman ok. He's strong."
"Ok thanks Dean"
"Look Dean, Roman coming" Paige said.

I got up and leaned over the lege.
"Where about to start. Wish me luck." He said while kissing me.
"I love you" he said while running off.
'Omg he just said he loves me. He never told me he loves me. Omg I'm blushing so hard. I can't stop smiling.'
"I love you too"

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