Chapter 5

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Dean POV
For about 2 weeks now Roman has been trying to help and talk to me. I don't get why he wants to help me or wants anything to do with me. I don't know if I should let Roman in or keep pushing him out. I do like him alot. I had a crush on him since 7th grade. I don't know what to do. I'm just going to ask Aj tomorrow morning if I should give him a chance.

I heard the door slam break me out of thought. It was about 9:00 so I went downstairs to see if it was mom coming home early from work. It wasn't mom, it was Ray. Drunk as usual.
"Where's your mother?" He asked.
"At work"
I turn around about to go upstairs. Then Ray grabs my waist and put his hands down my pants.
"Oh really. Well let's have some fun" he said.
"No stop!"I said while taking is hands out my pants.
"Did you say NO!!" he yelled.
I was scared to say anything else. He then slapped me and dragged me into my room. He pin me against my bed and choked me out.

*Monday Morning*
I wake up and notice that I am naked in my bed. All I remember from last night was getting hit in the face then I blacked out. I go to my bathroom then I see finger print around my neck and I see a hand print on my butt.
'He raped me again' I said to myself crying.

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