Chapter 13

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Dean POV
I was sitting in the rain under a tree in front of the school. I didn't know what to do after the Bella Twins told me Roman asked Brie to the prom.
"Why would he do that. I thought he loved me. I trusted him. Why?" I said to myself.
"Why would I do what and I do love you Dean" someone said.
I turned around to see it was Roman.
"No you don't" I said while getting up and stepping back.
"Yes i do, Dean please what happened" he said while stepping towards me
"Your what happened. You asked your ex to the prom. Saying you don't love me. How could you do that to me!" I yelled.
"Dean what are you talking about" he said while grabbing me.
"Don't touch me and don't talk to me" I yelled and ran away.

Running away from Roman, all I could hear was him saying "please Dean come back".
Running through the rain, it felt like bullets when It hit me. I ran all the way home not turning back.
I got home and took a shower all I could think about is Roman. I always knew he was a dick but I thought i was someone special. I thought he wasn't going to break my heart. After my shower I got in my bed and was thinking the whole night.

*Next Day*
Roman POV
It was first period and I didn't see Dean. I didn't get a text or call back. I texted him like crazy all night. I couldn't sleep knowing that Dean was upset at me. I didn't know what I did but I knew the Bellas would have answers.
I keep looking in the back of the class every 5 minutes to see if he was there.
It was lunch and there was still no sign of Dean. I began to get worried. I then saw the bellas.

I went over to them. They were not shocked to see me.
"Hey Roman" they said.
"Ugh hi. What happened yesterday?" I asked.
"I don't really know. I think those 11 graders was fighting over a prom date" Nikki said.
"Speaking of prom do you have a date Roman?" Brie asked.
"Ugh no and I'm not talking about the fight yesterday. I'm talking about Dean. What did yall do to him." I said.
"Nothing. Why would we want to do anything to that lunatic" Nikki said.
"He's not a lunatic and yes y'all did something because yesterday he couldn't stop talking about the Bella's and prom.
So what did y'all do to him" I said getting irritated.
"Fine. We told him that you want to take Brie to the prom and not Dean." Nikki answered.
"Why would you do that. Now Dean hates me. I don't want to take y'all to the prom!" I yelled. The whole cafeteria looked over at me.

Seth and Paige ran up to me.
"What's going on?" they asked.
"The Bellas told Dean that I wanted to take Brie to the prom and not him."
"Wow that's big. Well do you want to take Bire to the prom?" Seth asked.
"No why would I I have a boyfriend" I said.
"Ok well Nikki and Brie tell me why I shouldn't beat both your ass right here right now?" Paige said getting in the Bellas face.
"Well you shouldn't because you going to get your ass beat and second, I told Dean that because Roman broke my heart so I wanted to break his, by breaking Dean's heart also." Bire said with a evil smile on her face.
"And by the looks of it. It looks like it worked" Nikki said.

Out of no where Paige slapped the Brie then she did the same to Nikki. You could hear that slap around the while cafeteria. Seth started laughing then Paige and the Bella's started fighting. Paige was really getting them. She kicked Brie to the side and started punching Nikki. Once Brie got up, I grabbed Paige.
"Stupid bitch!" I heard nikki said while I was walking Paige out of the cafeteria.

"Thanks Paige. You didn't have to do that but Thanks." I said while hugging her.
"I know but they hurt my bestfriend and your boyfriend, and you need to fix it tonight before its too late." she said.
"I know. I will. Tonight after football practice I will talk to him."
"Well good because he really likes you and this miscommunication could fuck everything up"
"I know." I said
"Well stop being a bitch and ask him to prom. Its 2 weeks away." she said and started laughing.
"Ok Paige I will" I said laughing.
"Good and I will see you in 3 days. I know I'm getting suspended" she said.
"Yeah most likely. You did brutally slap them. But thanks Paige" I said.
"No problem" she said while walking into the office.

*After football Practice*

I was walking to Deans house. I still didn't know what to do or say. All day I was thinking about Dean, thinking about what I should say to him but nothing sounded right. I was walking up the driveway and i did not see any cars. I knocked on the door, no answer I knocked again still no answer.
"Dean are you there? can we talk?" I asked but I got no answer
I pushed on the door and it opened. It was unlocked and that was odd. It's always locked. There was no lights on. I assumed no one was home. Then I started hearing voices. I began to walk up stairs the voices got clearer. It was Dean's voice. All I can hear was "I deserve to die" over and over again. I could tell he was crying so I walked up the stairs faster. Then I heard him click a gun. I ran into Dean's room to see him on the floor with a gun pointed at his head.
"Dean" I scared him while slapping the gun out of his hands.
I got on the floor and hugged him. I began to cry into Dean shoulder while he was crying into my chest.
"Dean why do you have a gun?" I asked
"I want to kill my self. You broke my heart you're all I cared about ever since 7th grade. I didn't want to believe the Bellas but everything they said sounded ture. Killing myself seem best for me. Now go away and let me kill my self." he said while pushing me away.
"No Dean I'm not going away and the Bellas lied to you Dean. They just wanted to hurt me through you. But Dean you're what's best for me. Killing yourself would destroy me and I can't live without you. The past day with you mad at me just made me realize that I love you deeply. Deep down inside I love you Dean Ambrose. I hope you feel the same about me. Dean I'm sorry" I said while wiping my tears away.
"Really?" he said looking up at me.
"Yes Dean. I love you and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." I said while pulling him back to me. I then put him in bed and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you Roman and I'm sorry that I believe the Bellas before taking to you. I just thought it was true. Please forgive me." he said while wiping his tears away.
"Its ok Dean" I said.
"Good." he said while pressing his lips against mine.
That kiss with Dean was one of the most passionate kisses I ever had.
"Hey Dean will you make me the happiest guy in the world and go to prom with me"
I whispered in his ear.
"Yes I will!" he said while getting on top of me.
We began making out. Every time I tried going in his pants he moved my hands. I could tell Dean wasn't ready for sex and that he was tired. Well we started going to sleep. Just laying with Dean make me the happiest guy in the world and to know that I'm going to prom with him make me electric.
"I love you Dean Ambrose"
"I love you too Roman Reigns"

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