Chapter 8

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Dean POV

He pressed his lips against mine and said
"Dean I like you"
It was about a 9 second kiss before he broke it off.
'I don't know what to say. I was still in shock that Roman Fucking Reigns just kissed me. His lips felt like a cloud. Just staring at the gorgeous grey eyes just makes me blush.'
"Dean" he said again snap me on of thought.
"Dean I need you. I want to be there for you. I could stop thinking about you when you weren't at school.... Dean I want to be your boyfriend. Will you be finally be mine?"

'Omg I couldn't stop blushing. I'm speechless right now.'
I pressed my lips against his.
I broke it off and said yes into his ear before laying my head on Roman chest.

Roman POV

I pulled Dean into my arm and held him close. 'I can't believe he said yes.' He pulled his head on to my chest while my arms were around his waist. Before I knew it seems like he fell asleep. I got up quietly and went to the bathroom. When I came back Dean was up. I layed back in the bed and pulled him into my arms.
"Dean..... Who was that man" I asked
"Roman I don't want to talk about it" he mumbled.
'What if that guy was beating dean everyday , or even doing worse things to him?'
I didn't hear from Dean. He didn't make a sound. He just lay there in my arms. It was kinda awkward because I didn't know what to say or do.
"Dean are you awake?" I mumble
I didn't get a answer. I kissed his head and whispered goodnight before falling asleep.

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