Chapter 12

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Dean POV
*Tuesday Morning*
It was a rainy day outside and all I could hear was everyone talking about Prom. Prom was in 3 weeks and i don't know if I should ask Roman or if he's going to ask me. I really haven't talked to Roman after what happened on Friday night. I didn't not once all day. It was a free period for me. Usually I spent my free period with Roman but he was no where to be found. I was sitting in the hallway at my locker just waiting for Roman. The hallways was quiet until i saw Seth down the hall. I got up and ran down to him.

"Seth have you seen Roman"
"Yeah his in English"
"What why is he in English when this is free period"
"He said something about making up his missing work. I don't really know. But I got to go" he said running off.
'Ugh. Now I got to spend a whole period in the senior lounge by myself.' When I was walking into senior lounge I felt all eyes on me. I mainly saw girls I really didn't know expect for the Bella Twins and Natyla. I sat in the corner and keep to myself.

I was diying of boredom without Roman. I didn't even notice that two girls were standing in front of me. It was the Bella Twins. I really didn't know the Bellas like that. They seem cool.

"Uh Hello"
"Hi Dean" they said at the same time.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked.
"Yeah Nikki Has to tell you something" Brie said while sitting down next to me.
"Well yesterday i was walking to my algebra class. Roman walked up to me and started call me Brie and saying he want to talk me to prom and just saying y'all wasn't going together." She said with a sigh
"He said he really nevered liked you" Brie said.
"Sorry Dean" Nikki added.
"Dean sorry to tell you that. We just thought you wanted to know" Brie said while they were walking away.

I didn't know if I should believe them. But I started to think. 'Who would love someone like me. My dad didn't love me.' Thoughts just started poring in. 'Who even wants me, Who even loves me, Who would miss me if I'm gone.' I got up and stormed out. I saw Roman in the door way  but I keep walking.
"Dean are you alright" he asked while grabbing my shoulder.
"Don't touch me, Don't talk to me, I Don't need you" I said while running off.
"Dean please! Dean!" i heard Roman cry out while I was running.
I ran all the way out the building. I found my way to a tree. I sat under it and watched the rain.

'Who would ever love someone like me, I'm nothing in this world, I shouldn't even be alive, He never loved me. I knew no one ever cared about me. All I have is myself.'

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