Chapter 15

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Dean POV
*3 weeks later*
It was graduation day. The last day of school and the first day of our lives.
I am sitting on the stage looking at all the parents in the crowd. I couldn't find my mom in the crowd. Yeah it made me upset but I had friends there. I gave my speech then sat down and saw Roman in the back just smiling. Witch made me blush.

In the yearbook, Roman and I Won Best Couple and I won Smartest Student. He also won most Athletic. It was amazing to finally graduate and move on with my life and start to train for WWE.

*Time Skip*
The ceremony was over. Just seeing everyone with there parents made me upset. Then i saw my mom.
"Mom where were you?!"
"Dean i was here the whole time! I was in back. By the way, you're speech was amazing!" she said.
"Aww thanks" I said while hugging her.
I keep looking behind me at Roman with his family.
"Dean you can go to him. I don't mind." she said. I then gave her my last hug and went over to Roman. When he saw me, he gave me a big hug and spun me around and we kissed. That kiss felt like time was frozen and only me and Roman was unfrozen.

Roman, Aj, Seth,Paige,Punk, and I went out that night. We all decided to become WWE superstars. 'My life is going to be amazing with Roman by my side.'
The next day, Roman and I spent 2 weeks in Hawaii for our vacation. Standing on the beach looking at the sunset was Beautiful. Roman came up behind me and kissed my cheek and held me in his arms.
"I Love You Lunatic"
"I love you too Superman"
I turned around and kissed him while he hugged me.
"I love you more Lunatic"
"Not possible I love you more Superman"

*Small Epilogue*
Roman and I eventually got married about a year after our vacation to Hawaii. Paige, Seth, Aj, Punk, Roman and I are WWE Superstars. Aj and Punk both retired and Punk is in UFC. Life was amazing. Everyday gets better and better with Roman. I love him. His my Superman.



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