Chapter One - Getting to Reknow You

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Your POV

I sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to me. Gene sat down with a smile.

"So, what made you decide to change?" I asked, still cautious of him.

"Let's just say I...learned my lesson," he cringed. Was he actually regretting this?

"Uh huh," I nodded slowly. "So what about Sasha and Zenix?"

"They...didn't really agree with me," he gulped.

I raised an eyebrow. "So you ditched them?"

He scratched his arm. "Not exactly..."

I snorted. "So you still do bad things?"

He blinked. "Zenix's the leader of the Shadow Knights now. You know how he can be."

I laughed lightly. "Yeah." He smiled.

Suddenly, a phone rang.

"One second," Gene fumbled to answer it. "Hello? Zenix! Not now, I'm at (Y/n)'s house!" My eyes widened as I realized what he just said. "No Zenix, I'm not gonna bring her with me. Zenix...HA! You don't even know where I live! Oh...oh, okay, I'll do it!" He looked at me sadly. "But I can't force (Y/n) to come with me." He stopped talking as his eyes went wide. "You wouldn't dare...fiiiiiiiiiiiine. Seeya soon."

He turned off his phone and turned to me. "You're coming with me."

I chuckled. "Who's gonna make me?"

Gene sighed. "I knew you wouldn't come willingly. Zenix...wants you to join the Shadow Knights."

"WHAT!?!" I screeched. "NO WAY!"

Gene shook his head. "Yes way. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

I gasped, realizing he was serious. For a moment, the dangerous Gene came back, face hardening like stone. He let out an angry grunt and returned back to normal.

"Come on, you don't want to face Zenix when he's mad." Gene said reassuringly.

"Is that supposed to help me!?" I snapped.

"Um, yeah." He nodded.

I groaned. "This is why you had to stay an extra year in Highschool."

"So, come on," Gene grabbed my hand. I blushed and pulled it away.

"Fine, but on one condition. NOBODY tells me what to do."

"Roger." Gene winked. I wrinkled my nose.

"Never. Do. That. Again."

---Time skip brought to you by das abs---

I gulped as I approached the bench, feeling my feet wobble as I walked. Gene had a hand reassuringly on my shoulder, which was very uncomfortable. "Can you please stop touching me?" I snapped, glaring at him.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "You should be happy that I'm doing this. I would normally punch you in the-"

"Hey, pawn!" A voice I knew all too well called. I sighed.

"Zenix," I greeted him. The boy smiled coldly.

"I see you've come back. Nice to see our little pawn has grown so strong." he leered. Sasha looked up from her phone at this, flashing me a knowing glare. I was always the talk of the boys when I was in the group, leaving almost no room for her. At first she had been my only friend, the one comforting me, but now her soul was an empty black pit.

"Just tell me what we're doing so I can leave," I growled.

Zenix nodded. "Gotten feisty over the years, eh? I still remember when you were a controllable wimp."

"Don't call me that," I warned. "I've learned how to wrestle and you don't want to see me in action."

"Calm down, pawn, we just need you to do a small favor," Zenix drawled.

"Get it over with." I retorted.

Zenix looked over at the graveyard. "We're playing truth or dare over there. The only catch is you have to say or do anything the person tells you."

I nodded. "Seems easy enough. Let's go." I walked over there, the Shadow Knights following suit. I sat myself down beside a grave and watched silently as the others did the same. Gene sat next to Sasha, who sat on my left. Zenix sat on my right, casting me glances every now and then.

"So, the rules say that ladies go first," Zenix droned. "And (Y/n)'s birthday is before Sasha's so she'll get asked first." Zenix turned to me. "Truth or dare?"

I thought for a moment. The smart decision would be to pick truth, since Shadow Knights are capable of anything, but being the daredevil I was, I chose dare. "Dare." Zenix smirked at this.

"I dare you to kiss me."

"Wait, WHAT!?" Gene and I screamed. We both then looked at each other and blushed.

"Yes." Zenix smirked. "Kiss me."

"You seem so eager..." Sasha intoned. It was the first words she had said in the entire game. Well, so far at least. Zenix looked at her, surprised.

"No! I just know (Y/n) wouldn't like it." He turned and faced me coldly. "And you have to do anything the darer says, sweetie."

I let out a high pitched squeak, before smiling knowingly. "You never specified where," I said, grabbing his hand. I winced as I pursed my lips-

"No." Zenix pulled his hand back. "On my lips."

"No!" I refused. "Over my dead body!"

Zenix sighed. "Okay darling, I guess you have to do two dares now."

I gulped and cringed. "If I kiss you on the lips, do you promise not to dare me anything like that again?"

"I never agreed to that," Zenix uttered. "But you won't get a second dare from me, at least, not unless you choose that choice sweetie."

I sighed with defeat. "Fine." I leaned in and kissed him quickly, I felt him warming up to me. I stopped kissing and tried to pull away, but something was holding me there. I screamed and struggled to pull away, but Zenix was holding me there. I finally ended up crying, catching him by surprise. He pulled away and I stood up and glared at him. "How could you?" I whined, whimpering like a lost puppy. "How DARE you!" I ran off into the wood, crying like there was no tomorrow. I can't belive I just did that. How could I be so dumb?

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