Chapter Two - Gene's Regret

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Your POV

I sat down on a log and let the tears spill. Why did I have to kiss Zenix? And why did it have to feel so good? I buried my face in my hands, not knowing what to do. I sniffled and blew my nose in my sleeve. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Gene's POV

I put a hand on her shoulder. (Y/n) looked Too sad for me to bear.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, staring at her (f/c) sneakers.

She took a deep breath and turned towards me.

I fell off the log in surprise.

Her eyes looked so...different. Sure, I remembered making her cry in Highschool, but now they were RED. Well, bloodshot at least. A few more tears spilled as she wiped her nose.

"Why would you care?" She spoke with venom lacing her voice, which took me by surprise. I had never heard her talk in that tone before. I gulped and brushed myself off. I climbed back on the log and started to pat her back. To my surprise, she gave a shuddery sigh and rested her head on my shoulder. I looked down to find myself paler than usual.

"You didn't answer my question," I probed, struggling to get another look at her face. She tilted her head so it couldn't be seen.

"I'm fine," She wheezed, putting more weight on my shoulder.

"You don't look fine."


"Hello?" I turned and waved a hand in front of her face. "Earth to (Y/n)!"

She laughed lightly and sat up. I couldn't help but miss the feeling of her head on my shoulder. You're never thankful for things until they're taken away. "Really, I'm fine." Despite her giggly tone, I could still see the tears falling slowly...

"You're not. Tell me the truth." I pressed.

She sighed. "Okay. I'm Zenix's reaction to my...heh...kiss." She cringed at the K word.

I nodded. "That's understandable."

"Y-yeah, but..." She trailed off, looking at me like: 'Can I tell you?'.

I nodded. She smiled gratefully.

"I-it just felt good and...I don't know why."

I pondered this for a moment. "Was this your first kiss?"

She nodded ever so slightly.

"Ah," I frowned. "Maybe you...have a thing for Zenix?"

"Naw," she disagreed, making sure to say it like she did. It sounded so cute...SNAP OUT OF IT GENE!

"Hm, well then I really don't know," I apologized. "Sorry."

"It's okay," she reassured me. "Not like I'd ever know anyway." She tilted her head to look up at the sky. "Beautiful day though, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I agreed. I looked at the sky too. It was two beautiful shades of pink and purple, resulting in a sunset. Man, in Highschool I would've gave anything to be here with Aphmau. Now, not so much.

As I stared at the colors, I thought.

I thought about the Shadow Knights, how I was forced to be a part of their group, how they were mean to others. Now that we're adults, we aim for young kids as our targets. They're so easy to scare. Not like I want to, though. Zenix has really changed over the years.

But maybe...just maybe...there was a side of me that enjoyed this pain.

That enjoyed this suffering.

It made me wonder...were they really forcing me to do this?

Or was it a part of me instead?

As I pondered this, I came to a conclusion.

I wouldn't do anything with the Shadow Knights again. They were a bad influence on the world and on my soul.

They still are.

I looked at (Y/n) and opened my mouth to speak.

"Hey, (Y/n)?"

"Mm?" She turned her head to look at me. The blood drained out of her eyes, resulting in faded streaks of red. She was almost calm.

"I'm not going to do anything with the Shadow Knights again. No matter what they say."

She stared at me for a moment, before smiling. I couldn't help but get lost in her shining (e/c) eyes, pulling me into a world of wonder...

"I'm glad you made the right decision, Gene," She said softly. Her tantalizing voice pulled me out of my trance and into a new one. "I think this won't only affect others, but yourself as well." She flashed me one more shining smile before looking back up at the sun. It was almost gone by now, Zenix must be MAD that we didn't finish the game of truth or dare-


I already vowed not to partake in any more events with the Shadow Knights. They are bad people from the inside and out. As I watched the moon take the place of the sun, I felt a new feeling. Something...different. Something...joyous. Something...romantic.

My body wondered what it was, but deep inside I already knew.

It was her.

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