Chapter Seven - Dinner Disaster

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Gene's POV

I groaned as (Y/n) straightened my bowtie. For some reason, even though Sasha and Zenix were basically our enemies, she wanted me to dress formally. She was wearing a dress too, so at least I wasn't alone, but still...

I growled again, hoping that (Y/n) would take pity on me. However, she just eyed me briefly before grabbing her lint roller from the coffee table. She bent down on her knees and started at my pants, making me feel nervous. I watched (Y/n) as she worked, examining her (e/c) eyes. She seemed determined for whatever reason, as if she would kill any dust bunnies in her way. She hummed a tune under her breath as she worked, ignoring the dust that fell on her skirt.

I couldn't help but blush, so I looked away. (Y/n) stared at me for a moment suspiciously, but she shrugged and continued working. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, seeing her form standing up. I then turned and faced her, hoping that my cheeks had returned to their normal color. 

"Gene, you look handsome," (Y/n) said abruptly, not realizing what she said until it was too late. She started to blush furiously, and I was looking like a tomato as well. I couldn't help the embarrassed grin that worked it's way onto my lips.

"Th-thank you. You d-don't look so bad yourself..." I replied, sitting on the couch to put on my black shoes. (Y/n) sat down beside me, brushing the dust off her dress. I could feel her eyes on me as I worked with the laces, tying a double-knot. After I finished with my shoes, I stood up, holding out a hand for (Y/n). She was frozen for a minute, before shaking her head and putting her hand in mine. I helped her up and she stumbled, putting her hands on my shoulders. We both giggled awkwardly, then pulled away.

"So, you ready to go?" (Y/n) asked, smiling good-heartedly.

"Yeah," I replied. "You?"

(Y/n) burst out laughing. I looked around, confused, before daring to ask the dreaded question-

"What's so funny?"

(Y/n) took a few deep breaths, then clutched her stomach, looking me in the eye with a huge smirk. "Why would I be asking you that question unless I was ready too?"

"Oh, yeah..." I trailed off, feeling stupid. (Y/n) giggled lightly and snatched my hand, squeezing it tightly. She then took out her key and opened the front door, pulling me outside with her. She stopped shortly to lock the door once more, then practically dragged me over to Sasha and Zenix's house. It turns out it was diagonal to hers.

When we got up the steps, (Y/n) knocked on the door, tapping her foot impatiently. We heard some muffled voices, then the clink of the knob as it twisted. 

I took a deep breath, then decided I would hold back my anger for one night. After all, (Y/n) would kill me if I screwed this up. Zenix opened the door and leaned against the doorframe, smiling slyly. Sasha was peeking over his shoulder behind him, staring at (Y/n) in particular.

"Welcome, welcome!" Zenix cooed, gesturing toward the inside of the house. "Come on in, mademoiselle."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and made her way inside, cautiously running a hand through her hair. I followed behind, looking about for any pedophile signs. At this point, I didn't trust Zenix at all.

"Come on (Y/n), let's go set up the salad," Sasha said, noticing my obvious discomfort. I tried to follow them to what I assumed was the kitchen, but someone blocked my path. Unfortunately, it turns out that particular someone was Zenix.

 "So, what is the real reason you hang out with (Y/n)?" Zenix purred, spreading himself out across the doorframe in an X. I peered over his shoulder to see (Y/n) and Sasha hard at work. While Sasha was looking extremely anxious, (Y/n) seemed pretty carefree.

I didn't want (Y/n) to get mixed up in Zenix and I's argument, so I grabbed his arm, pulling him into a random room in the house. Of course, it just had to be the dining room, which I'll admit looked pretty nice. 

As soon as we were in a separate room, Zenix snatched my arms, pinning me against the walls. Surprisingly, the walls were quite bare even though the rest of the rooms seemed pretty decked with furniture.

Zenix leaned in towards me and put his lips close to my ear. He started whispering incomprehensible threats to me, digging his cracked nails into my flesh. I grit my teeth, trying to hold back the growing scream at the back of my throat. 

Eventually, Zenix pulled away, looking at the red blood staining his fingertips. I gazed at the marks he had left, releasing warm, red blood into the world. I tugged at my sleeves, trying to cover up my wounds before (Y/n) saw. If Sasha was sincere about making up with her, which in all honesty, she seemed truthful, then I was willing to put up with Zenix's crap for her.

 I hoped that my suit didn't become wet or stained, because (Y/n) would surely notice. I just wanted her to be happy, however or with whomever she wants. Zenix seemed to note my thoughts, for he immediately approached me once more, whispering two dreaded words-

"She's mine."

He shot me a cold glare, my response resulting in a blank stare back. We gave each other death glares for what felt like forever, until we heard the higher pitched voices of Sasha and (Y/n). They then entered the room, carrying a few brown boxes and a huge bowl filled with green goodness. After setting the food down in the middle of the table, (Y/n) went back into the kitchen, returning with silverware and plates. 

Zenix and I immediately turned neutral, finding seats at the table. Sasha set down some dressings, then glanced between us awkwardly. You'd have to be inhuman to ignore the tension vibrating around the room. But, miraculously, (Y/n) seemed clueless as to Zenix and I's problems.

Eventually, Sasha and (Y/n) sat down next to each other, talking casually. I reached for the salad bowl, but Zenix quickly snatched it before my fingertips could even graze the glass. He flashed a quick smirk at me, almost unnoticeable, but all that mattered was that I was the only one who saw it. I narrowed my eyes back at him, then waited patiently as he scooped out the healthy veggies. When he was done, he kept the bowl near his plate, still out of my grasp.

I coughed loudly, looking in between the people at the table. (Y/n) stared at me cluelessly, smiling so big I thought she was the Cheshire Cat. Sasha flashed me a knowing look while Zenix flashed a fake smile and pretended he didn't know I wanted the bowl.

"Zenix, could you please pass the salad," I mumbled in between grit teeth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," Zenix fibbed, showing his pearly white teeth to me. He pushed the salad toward me, which I accepted, using the spoon to put some food into the bowl. When I was done, Zenix asked for the salad again, which I declined at first. I pretended not to hear until Zenix started growling at me as well. Then I played his game.

This was going to be one long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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