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You lifted your head from Taehyung's shoulder to see (Y/F/N). Her eyes were wide and her mouth open as well.

"(Y/F/N)! Hey." You said casually.

"You didn't tell me about him!" She said, pointing at Taehyung. She pouted.

"Geez, sorry! We were just getting to know each other."

"What, sexually? Nobody gets to know anybody else by kissing and cuddling on the bed. Do they?"

She was mad just because you hadn't told her about a secret. Taehyung looked worriedly at you, fearing for your safety.

"It's none of your business what we were doing anyway. Now if you would excuse me, (Y/N) and I have a date to get to." Taehyung said confidently, taking your hand.

(Y/F/N) gaped. "What?! A date?!"

You nodded. "Yeah, you got a problem?"

She suddenly looked really shy. "Um... Could you maybe hook me up with Suga?"

You suddenly laughed out loud. (Y/F/N) shot you looks of anger.

Taehyung took out his phone, which had a cover of a lion on it. He smiled at it. "Ah, so cute. Like you, (Y/N)."

He poked your nose lightly, causing you to giggle. (Y/F/N) gagged.

Taehyung unlocked his phone and punched in Suga's number. It rung twice before he picked up.

"What do you want, Tae?" Suga's deep voice muttered. He sounded sleepy.

"Some fan wants to meet you."

"I hope it's not the one at the fansigning. Ugh, she didn't stop babbling on about how much she loved me. It was tiring. But if it's the one after her, the pretty one, I'm cool."

You blushed, knowing he was talking about you. But Taehyung's eyes widened. "She's mine, Yoongi." He warned. "She's with me right now."

"Let me talk to her then."

Taehyung turned to you. "He wants to talk to you." He held out the phone.

(Y/F/N) marched over and snatched the phone. "Hey, it's the girl."

There was a pause, then she frowned. She handed the phone to you angrily. "He says he wants to talk to you."

You took the phone and held it to your ear. "Hello?"

"Ah, Seo-hyun, where are you? I'm coming to pick you up. We have a date tonight."

You stuttered. "I-What? Who's Seo-hyun?"

"Sorry, wrong person. I'm sorry." He hung up.

You gave Taehyung an annoyed look. "He wanted to see Seo-hyun! I don't even know who that is!"

"Seo-hyun? That's his girlfriend..." He said, grinning. "He must have misunderstood when I said something."

You punched his arm playfully. "You idiot." You laughed at him.

He grinned and sat on the bed, pulling you with him.

"Ew, guys, that's gross!" (Y/F/N) said, gagging. 

"It's called love, get used to it." Taehyung said. "Now we have something to do."

(Y/F/N) left quickly, and closed he door as she left. She was obviously angry at you, but you didn't know why.

He turned to you, smiling his box smile. "Ah, your friend is weird."

"Not really," you started to say, but he put a finger on your lips.

"Shush," he said, leaning in. He was watching your lips, and you were watching his.

All of a sudden, your lips connected and you smiled into his lips. Your first kiss. With your idol. Classic romantic movie scene. After a while, you couldn't breathe, so you pulled away, blushing.

Taehyung sighed, still grinning like an idiot. "Now I can tell my hyungs I've had my first kiss."

"I can tell my mom and my dad?" You offered, laughing. "I have barely any friends now. After Joshua and then (Y/F/N)."

"Ah, don't worry about them," he said, wrapping his arms around you. "They're jealous of you."

You smiled. Nobody had ever been jealous of you before. You felt powerful, like you were a queen, or a lion. "That's new."

Taehyung started to tickle you, which caused you to writhe around like a worm on a hook, but you were laughing and having fun. After around 30 minutes, you had to scream for him to stop because you were about to wet yourself. Understanding, Taehyung stopped tickling and you rushed into your private bathroom. You locked the door, wanting privacy while you peed.

You looked at your phone briefly to see a message from Joshua.

Hey, (Y/N). I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you I liked you, but I needed to say something. I left your place and I was wondering if we could still be friends? x Joshie.

"Of course, you dork," you said to your phone. You texted him.

Of course, you fat dork. Now get your butt over to my place to save me from getting tickled by Tae. He's killing me. I had to escape to the bathroom >.> He's like a monster XD

You hit send, and Taehyung banged on the door. "You done yet? You're taking forever!"

"You sound like a kid," you called back, laughing. "But yes, I'm almost done. A few more minutes, okay? And no, I'm not taking a shit!"

You heard him collapse from laughter. "I didn't ask, and I didn't need to know, but alright."

You stood at your mirror, laughing and waiting for Joshua to arrive. You re-did your hair into a very high, very messy ponytail. But it worked.

You came out of the bathroom, and saw Taehyung was gone. You sighed and walked over to your bed. You flopped down face-first onto it and then heard and "AHA!" from behind. But before you could get up, Taehyung flung himself onto you, wrapping his arms around your waist.


"Am I a Pokemon now or something?" you asked, squirming.

"Well, I don't know. What do you want to be?" He asked, kissing your neck. "You taste like strawberries."

You laughed. "Tasty body wash."

"Ah, you're so pretty."

"Not really."

"SHUSH." He said, kissing your neck again.

You heard a car pull up in your driveway. "Yes!"


"Don't tickle me."

Taehyung disobeyed your orders and started tickling you. "Haha!"

Joshua appeared at the door, like you'd wanted him to. "I got here as quick as I could." He looked at Taehyung tickling you. "And now I see your problem."



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