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You ran along the field with Iseul by your side. Isuel yapped happily, her tiny legs flying over the green grass. You looked back, seeing Taehyung sitting on a bench, a fair way away. You whistled and Iseul came trotting over to you, panting. You knelt down and hooked her leash onto her collar, smiling. She saw Taehyung waving to her, and she took off, dragging you behind her.

"Isuel! Slow down!" you called to her, the wind rushing in your ears. Iseul obeyed and started trotting, lifting her tiny white paws up off the ground. "Thanks, girl."

You reached Taehyung and smiled at him, breathless. "I need a rest," you said, panting. "Let's go home."

He took Iseul off you and smiled, taking your hand. "You run pretty fast, (Y/N)."

You laughed. "I was always last in all the races though." You squeezed his hand.

His eyes went wide as he looked ahead. You followed his gaze and saw a person standing there. They started walking towards you, and as the light hit them, you realised it was Miyuki. She was smiling sweetly at you, but her eyes were like daggers. You turned to Taehyung, who stopped walking and picked up Iseul.

"We have to get out of here," he said, turning around and grabbing your arm.

"Let's go," you said, taking off. Taehyung ran ahead of you but you caught up, using all your power.

You heard footsteps behind you, and you turned your head to the side a little to see Miyuki running after you, some sort of weapon in her hand. She smiled sweetly still, her face a mask.

"I'm not going to hurt you," she whispered. She was ghost-like, but you could clearly see her face.

You continued to run on, watching Taehyung's back. He tripped over his own foot and you gasped. Iseul flew to the ground, getting crushed under Taehyung's weight. You screamed as Miyuki bent over him, smiling. Her hand started to shake very fast, and she slowly lowered her hand into Taehyung's back, causing him to scream in agony.

"No!" you yelled repeatedly. "No! No! No!"

Miyuki turned and smiled at you, making you shiver. She finished with Taehyung, whose lifeless body lay there on the ground. She walked slowly over to you, still smiling. She extended her hand, which was still vibrating. She plunged it into you chest and you screamed in pain. You felt something grab your heart and rip it out of your body.

The last thing you saw was Taehyung's body, laying there, cold and lifeless.


You awoke, sweating. Taehyung was asleep next to you in your bed, his luggage along the wall. You sighed, getting up and turning on the light. Taehyung stirred, asking if you were okay.

"I'm fine..." you said, sitting on the end of your bed. "Go back to sleep."

He noticed that you were sweating. "What happened?"

"I just had a dream." you said, running your hand through your hair. You looked around again and saw Iseul sleeping on the floor. "Thank god."

"Thank god what?" Taehyung asked, sitting up and revealing his bare chest. You really didn't care about that. He put a hand on your back.

"The dream... We were at a park, and I was running with Iseul. We came back and you saw someone, and it turns out it was Miyuki... Then we started to run, but you tripped and crushed Iseul," you started to cry remembering the horrible scene. "Then Miyuki killed you and then came for me..."

Taehyung moved and sat behind you, his legs on either side of you. "Nothing like that is going to happen," he reassured you. "We're going to be safe."

"What happens if my dream comes true? What then?" you asked, leaning back onto his chest.

"It won't. I'm not that clumsy," he said, chuckling. You heard his heartbeat. It was kind of fast, but you ignored it.

"Sure." you said, recalling all the times he'd fallen on stage. "I was watching YouTube videos and you fell over so many times."

"That wasn't me." He said quickly. "Anyways."

You noticed Iseul was waking up. "What time is it?" you asked, looking up at his jawline. You could prick your finger on that thing.

Iseul looked around, confused. She barked at the bed, making you laugh, despite your dream. Taehyung picked up his phone from the bedside table and checked.

"It's three in the morning. I'm hungry." His stomach grumbled. "Too early for breakfast?"

He looked down at you and smiled. You smiled back up at him and laughed when he made a stupid face. You got up and Iseul looked at you, her eyes bright with excitement. She looked hungry too. "Alright, I'll make you something too."

You walked down the dark hallway into the kitchen, where you heard rustling. You found the light switch and flicked it on. You looked around the kitchen, tip-toeing. You walked around the kitchen multiple times, each time finding nothing. You shrugged and opened the cupboard to get cereal and screamed when you saw eyes looking at you.

Footsteps echoed through the hallway, and Taehyung ran into the kitchen, Iseul following close behind. He rushed to your side and looked into the cupboard as well.

"Tae, there were eyes..." you whispered, clinging onto him.

There was nothing there anymore, and he laughed, grabbing cereal and dog food for Iseul. "There's nothing there. You're just freaking out, jagi."

"I saw it..." you whispered, grabbing the milk out of the fridge. Taehyung poured cereal into bowls and you poured the milk.

He grabbed the dog-food spoon and put some food into Iseul's dog bowl. You sighed and put the milk back in the fridge. You saw the eyes again and screamed, dropping the milk and running from the open fridge.

Taehyung knelt on the floor next to Iseul, who was drinking the milk happily. He pushed her out of the way and grabbed a sponge from the sink. He started to mop up the mess when something jumped on him from behind, causing him to fall into the milk and scream.


TYSM FOR READING THIS FAR! I know it's not perfect, I know it's not the best, but it's special to me. <3

Thanks for 210 reads, it may not be a big number, but it's an achievement for me.

Don't forget to request an EXO oneshot <3

ARMYs OUT! <33

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