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You blinked a few times, getting used to your surroundings. You heard someone's breathing above your head and looked up to see Taehyung asleep with his arm around you. He looked so peaceful and you didn't want to wake him up. Smiling, you turned off the T.V and went to get a drink of water. Trying not to make a sound, you opened up your creaky cupboard, cringing when it creaked loudly.

"Huh?" Taehyung called out sleepily. "(Y/N)?"

You stayed silent, trying to contain your laughter. You got your water and then went back into the living room to find it empty. You checked behind the couch to find Taehyung crouching there with a smile on his face.

"Tae, what are you doing behind the couch?" you asked, shaking your head and smiling at him.

"I was trying to hide!" he said, frowning.

"I found you!" you laughed. "I'm gonna go out shopping for food. I realised I didn't have any."

Taehyung stood up, dusting off his hands on his black ripped jeans. "Let's go shopping then." He grabbed your hand and walked out into the hall where he picked up his coat. He opened the door for you and you smiled, walking out.

He came out after you, laughing as he put his coat on. "You're beautiful when you smile."

You blushed. "You're better looking even when you sleep, Tae."

"No way. I took a few pictures of you sleeping... (Y/N), I hope you don't mind." He said, looking at his phone as he got into your car. He showed you a picture of you asleep.

"Aww, is that really me?" you asked, looking at the cute girl in the bed. "I guess I am kinda cute."

"Kind of? You're the best looking in the world. I'm so lucky you called me that day." he said, laughing and putting his hand on your thigh. "Let's go shopping."

You reversed out of your driveway, fully aware of his hand. You drove on the fast side, almost getting into a car crash.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Taehyung asked as you slammed down on the brakes at a red light. He looked at you with wide, worried eyes.

"Nothing." You said, breathing out heavily. "It's nothing."

"Something's up, (Y/N). What is it?" he asked, staring into your eyes.

The lights turned green and you drove forward at the speed limit. "Nothing."

"Something's up." he squeezed your leg. "Tell me."

Sighing, you pulled into the grocery store's parking lot. "It's nothing. Just a weird feeling. I'm sure it'll pass," you said, turning off the car and getting out. "Maybe I'm just hungry."

Taehyung smiled. "Good." He grabbed your hand and ran into the shop.

"Tae. Please be normal." you whispered to him. "People are staring at us..."

"It's because they're ARMYs. Ignore them and smile." He smiled and waved to the fans who had their phones out, taking pictures.

Walking into one of the aisles, Taehyung let go of your hand and grabbed vegetables and ramen. He put it in the basket he'd grabbed at the entrance and smiled. You rolled your eyes and got the real food like eggs and cereal. Once you'd finished your shopping, you headed to the counter where several ARMYs were standing. They whispered among each other, smiling.

Taehyung paid for the groceries, signed things for fans then walked to the car. You stood there awkwardly, smiling at the fans. Some made disgusted faces at you, turning away. Taehyung noticed this and asked them to be polite towards you. The fans nodded and you got into the drivers' seat. The fans ran out of the way, not wanting to get hit. You drove away from the market, breathing heavily.

"(Y/N), you're acting weird.... What's up?" he asked, looking at you sideways.

"I'm not feeling too good. I'm sure it'll pass though." you said, staring at the red light across from you.

"You should have told me! You looked fine before though..." He put his hand on yours as you drove forward.

"I guess I need something to eat. I'm starving." you said as your stomach grumbled. You reached your house, parked the car, got the groceries and went up to the front door, unlocked it and went inside. You put everything away in their places then, forgetting about how hungry you were, flopped into the couch.

"What about eating?" Taehyung asked, laughing a little bit.

"Oh." Was all you said as you got up and grabbed the ramen. You put it in a pot and cooked it, your stomach grumbling. Once it was done, you put it in a bowl and added your seasonings. Grabbing chopsticks, you walked into the lounge room and sat on the floor.

"Where's mine?" Taehyung exclaimed, getting up and stealing your chopsticks. He grabbed some noodles and ate them happily.

"Hey! They were mine." you pouted. "Meanie."

He smiled, giving you your chopsticks. "Sorry, I was hungry." He sat down next to you and laughed. "You're a good cook."

"All I did was boil them." you said, eating quickly. "They are pretty good though."

He nodded, then put his arm around you. "You're pretty perfect." He looked down and smiled.

"You hungry?" you asked, looking up at him, holding your bowl. "I can make you ramen."

"I'm good, I'll get something later. You wanna invite the guys over? I'm sure they'd like to know how you're doing."

Nodding, you grabbed your phone from your pocket. "What's Jin's number? I'll call him and ask him to come over."

Tae grabbed your phone and punched in Jin's number. Smiling, he called and asked if they wanted to come over. You heard a shriek from the other end of the line.


Jin sighed and told Taehyung they were coming over as soon as possible, then yelled at Jimin to be quiet. Taehyung told him you were looking forward to seeing them and you heard the smile through Jin's goodbye.

"They're coming over. They'll be here soon," he said, giving you your phone. It pinged and he snatched it back. "Who's this?"

You grabbed your phone. It was a text from Min-soo. "It's my friend from school."

Min-soo: Hey, (Y/N), how are you? Everyone's kind of worried about you. Min-suk is the most worried, and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. When are you coming back to school?

(Y/N): As soon as I can. I'm worried about missing school too because I don't want to end up like Hannah, that exchange student who got sent back to wherever she came from because she didn't turn up to school. I miss you. ):

Min-soo: Well, if you'd open your door you wouldn't miss me anymore. :) Knock knock.

You jumped up, smiling. "He's here!" you yelled, running to the front door and whipping it open. Min-soo stood there smiling. He looked cute in black ripped jeans and a white shirt.

"Hey." he said, hugging you. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." You stepped back into Taehyung, who looked at you with a confused expression.

"Who's he?" He whispered into your ear.

"He's my best friend from school. It's fine." you said, walking into the kitchen. "Did you want anything to eat, Minny?"

"Don't call me Minny!" Min-soo grumbled. "Thanks but no." He turned to Taehyung, then said a formal hello.

"Don't be formal around me, it makes me feel old." Taehyung complained, laughing. "It's nice to meet you too."

"Guys, make yourselves comfortable," you said. There was a knock on the door. "That must be them," you walked over to the door and opened it. Sure enough, BTS stood there with silly grins on their faces.


Hey sorry this one took so long, >.< I ran out of ideas!



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