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You arrived at the mall, parked and got out of the car. You smiled, grabbed Taehyung's hand and walked into the mall. You looked at all the people, walking around and talking. A little girl dropped her ice-cream and started crying.

"Aw, I should buy her a new one." you said, stopping and watching her.

"Don't." Taehyung said. "You can't. It's fine, you'll get to do that to our own daughter someday." He smiled at you started walking again. He dragged you into an expensive dress store, and walked right over to the most expensive dresses.

"I can't get a dress from the most expensive part of the store!" you exclaimed, trying to drag him out.

"If it doesn't have a large price tag, my parents think you're cheap." he explained, chuckling. "And I'm paying for it too."

You sighed and stopped trying to drag him out of the store. He walked slowly along the row of dresses, his finger running along them. He looked like a fashion designer trying to find the right colour and feel of fabric. You followed after him like a lost puppy, looking at all the beautiful gowns he'd dismissed. There was a light grey one you really liked, but Taehyung just walked right past it. You grabbed the back of his shirt and he whirled around, grinning.

"I saw one I liked." you said, backtracking and grabbing the grey gown. You held it up against your clothes and smiled, but Taehyung shook his head.

"That doesn't work. You need a happy dress, maybe a white one that's around the middle of your thighs or lower." he muttered. He turned around and kept walking, taking longer strides.

You sighed, putting the dress back. You looked down at the floor as you walked, thinking about what he was going to pick out. You bumped into him, then fell backwards. He grabbed your arm and helped you up, laughing at you.

"You little-" You almost cursed, but you stopped yourself. You didn't want to get into trouble now. "Thanks."

"Here's one!" he exclaimed, pulling out the dress he described before. It was very pretty, with a lace top piece that covered your collarbone. It was sleeveless, which made it look elegant. The dress would reach the middle of your thighs, just as he described. "Try it on."

You nodded and took the dress into a change room, where you stripped and got into the dress. It was a perfect fit, and it flattered your figure. You were really happy with the dress, so you decided to show Taehyung.

"Wow." He said, his eyes widening. "I love it."


He cut you off. "I know it's expensive, but so am I."

You laughed and went back into the change room to put on your normal clothes. Once you were done, you gave him the dress and he paid for it. The cashier stared at him as he walked out of the shop, holding your hand.

"You do know I have no shoes-"

He cut you off again, "Wear sneakers."


"Wear white sneakers." he repeated, smiling and walking out of the mall, your hand in his. "My parents prefer sneakers with dressed than heels or flats. We're all kind of different."

You opened your car and got into the driver's seat. "But won't it look weird? This dress is beautiful and deserves heels."

He sighed and put a hand on your thigh. "You'll look cute without heels. Plus, I like it when girls have to look up at me slightly." He grinned cheekily.

You drove out of the parking lot, wondering if you should do anything different with your normal routine. "When an I going to meet your parents?"

"Tomorrow." Taehyung said confidently, smiling at you. "If that's okay."

"It's fine," you lied. You were actually really nervous about meeting his parents, considering yours were gone. You hoped they'd accept you.

Once you got home, you unlocked the door to see Iseul, your puppy laying in the sun on the hallway floor. She looked so peaceful, so cute. Her little pink tongue stuck out of her mouth. You giggled at her and stepped over her, smiling widely. You walked up to your room to put the dress away and get things ready for tomorrow.

"I really think they'd love you." Taehyung said, appearing in the doorway. "You're beautiful."

"But you said they wanted you to go out with the other girl." you muttered, remembering a few hours ago.

"When you were in the change room, I messaged them and told them I already had someone that I loved." he smiled sheepishly. "They accepted it and told me to visit them with you."

You smiled and sat next to him on the bed. "I hope they'll accept me though." you said quietly. "What if they don't?"

He kissed you on the forehead and looked into your eyes. "What is there not to love about you?" he whispered, his lips brushing your forehead again.

You felt yourself blushing. You felt a stabbing pain in your side. "Ow..."

"What's wrong?" Taehyung sounded worried.

"I'm fine.." You grit your teeth and grabbed your side. "Just get me the pills in the clear container in the bathroom..."

He immediately got up and rushed to the bathroom, rifling through the cupboard to find the white pills. Once he found them, he ran back out and handed them to you. You opened the cap and took two dry. They tasted horrible but it helped with the pain. It slowly subsided and you fell to the floor.

"I'm so sorry..." you whispered to the ceiling. "I failed you..."

You closed your eyes as Taehyung sat next to you, grabbing your hand. "What happened? Do you want me to call the ambulance?"

You stayed silent as he called the ambulance. You focused on his deep, husky voice.

"I need the ambulance. She's... I don't know... She just had this sudden attack and she needed pills for it... I don't know what's going on..." he said frantically, tears spilling out of his eyes. His grip tightened on your hand as he told them your adress. He hung up and cried into your shoulder. "I don't know what's wrong with you..."

You turned your head to look at him. "I'm fine, Taehyung. Don't worry so much about me."

He whimpered in response. "It's my fault. I never should have let you go..."

You smiled and closed your eyes again, eventually falling asleep with a dull pain in your left side.


Hey guys <3

School has me busy again *eye roll*

Honestly I love all of you guys and thanks SO much for over 500 reads! Also, thanks for following me and supporting this story.


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