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You smiled at him. "I love you too."

Your phone pinged, signalling it was five in the morning, the time you usually got up to lounge around and then get ready. Taehyung got off the bed and grabbed a towel, then walked into the bathroom. "Can I take a shower?" he called, poking his head out of the doorway.

"It's our bathroom so I guess you can." you said, laughing. "Just don't use all the hot water!"

"Fine, fine." he said, closing the door. You heard the water turn on and a sigh of satisfaction from Taehyung.

You checked your phone, looking at social media. "Ah," you said, finding a picture of DI-VERSE. Min-soo was smiling widely, draping his arm around one of the taller members. They were in a large room, probably a practice room. "He looks happy."

You scrolled through Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. There were a few tweets from BTS, talking about how one of the members had a girlfriend. There were hate comments, and your eyes teared up. You saw a lot more as you scrolled down a bit more. There were ones from people you knew, and that really hurt you.

Tears rolled down your cheeks and you sighed. You turned over and closed your eyes. You tried to stop the tears from flowing, but failed. You gathered your stuff together and thought about what made you happy. Your friends and family flew through your mind, reaching out and telling you what they loved about you.

Iseul licked your face and you opened your eyes, looking into her beautiful black eyes. She barked and it sounded like, "You're beautiful." You smiled at her and she seemed to smile back as she flopped onto the bed next to you. You pet her head and she closed her eyes.

The water went off in the bathroom and the door opened, revealing a half-covered Taehyung. He smiled at you but it instantly faded when he saw your red puffy eyes. "What happened?" he asked, coming to sit on the bed.

"Nothing," you said, faking a smile. You pretended not to be shattered inside, but the shards were poking at your heart. "Why?"

"You've been crying. I can see it. What's wrong?" he asked. He noticed your Twitter was up on your phone. He grabbed it before you had time to snatch it away. He scrolled through the comments, his eyes widening when he read them. "They should be happy for me!"

"Tae, please..." you said, putting your hand on his arm. "It's not a big deal."

"They're threatening to hurt  you!" he cried, looking you in the eyes.

"All I care about is you not getting hurt," you whispered, tears pricking your eyes.

He didn't seem to notice as he got up and walked out of the room, angry at the comments. You sat there on the bed, staring at your phone, which he'd left sitting on the bed. You got a text from Min-soo, who asked if one of the members could bring a friend along. A tear rolled down your cheek and you picked up your phone, typing a quick reply. You warned him you wouldn't be yourself.

It felt like you were going through a break-up. Iseul sensed you were upset so she got up and put her paws on your legs, looking up at you hopefully. You brushed her away with your hand and she stepped back, then jumped off the bed and trotted out of the room.

You sighed and looked out of your window at the grey sky. It was too early to go to school, but you had nothing better to do. You got up and walked over to your makeup, applying concealer and foundation to cover the redness of your eyes. Sighing, you decided to do a gradient lip, and grabbed your light pink lip tint. You applied it and you smiled at yourself in the mirror. You looked like a doll.

Taehyung came back into the room and sighed. "You don't need to go to school today." he said, running his hand through his hair. "It's too dangerous."

"They don't know it's me though," you pointed out.

You heard a knock at the door and got up. Taehyung stepped into your way, stopping you from leaving the room. "Don't answer it." he said.

"Why?" you asked, looking up at him.

"Just don't..." He looked towards the window and his eyes widened. He bought his hand up to his mouth and gasped. "Don't turn around."

You disobeyed him, and turned around so see a figure dressed in colourful clothes. Their black hair was swept back, revealing a girl in a black mask. You shuddered. She was unusually tall, and she was bending over a little bit.

"It's just a girl," you said, turning back to Taehyung. "What's so bad about that?"

"She's bad luck. We have to get out of here before she comes closer..." he whispered, grabbing you and hugging you close. "We're leaving for the dorms."

"You just moved in, now you're moving out!?"

"We're moving out." he said, walking over to his suitcases. "But I have to get dressed first."

"I can't leave here. It's my home, the house I've lived in since my parents died!" you cried. You bought your hand to your mouth, not meaning to say it.

"You don't have parents?" he asked.

"T-They're on a business trip..." you whispered, trying to get your mind off the horrible accident that had occurred a few years ago.

Taehyung grabbed clothes and went into the bathroom to change into them. You felt hot tears coming to your eyes, but you fought them and managed to steer clear of crying. He came out of the bathroom, smiling radiantly. You asked yourself how he could smile like that when you were close to crying.

"I have an idea," he said. He flopped onto the bed next to you and grabbed your hand. "Two of the guys could move in here and we could take their room in the dorm."

You ignored the idea, not wanting to leave your precious house. You loved it so much, but you had to get out of it sometime. After a few minutes of silence, you decided to get up and go to school. You grabbed your bag and checked your hair before leaving the room.

"(Y/N), you're  not going to school with that girl outside. It's bad luck." he said, running out of the room and grabbing your arm, whirling you around to face him.

"I'll just be bad luck then," you said, trying to wriggle out of his grip. "I'm going to school whether you like it or not!"

"You. Are. Not. Leaving. This. House." he said, reaching for your arm again. "I don't want to lose you."

"I can take care of myself," you assured him. He didn't seem convinced, but you walked out of the door anyway. You heard him sigh and mutter something under his breath.

You shuddered in the cold morning air, and saw the girl looking in your direction. You couldn't see any of her facial features due to the mask covering her whole face, but you guessed she was looking right at you. You took a step towards your car and there was a growling noise from the girl's direction.

"(Y/N)..." someone whispered. They sounded out of breath, and you turned your head in either direction to find the source of the voice.

You couldn't see anyone, so you guessed it was the wind. You stepped towards your car again, and now there were footsteps. You looked towards the girl to find total emptiness. You sighed and walked to your car, wary of everything around you. You unlocked your car and got in.

You heard a chuckle from behind you. You turned around and nothing was there. You were getting paranoid. There was a rustling, and then something was pulled over your head. Everything went quiet as you were hit with something big on the head.


Hey yo~

Idk where this came from I guess I got sad...?

Liek k


nah jk ily <33

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