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Your eyes snapped open, the pain in your side gone. There was seven cute boys sitting on plastic chairs, their eyes closed. Light snores was coming from one of them. You sat up straight and pressed your back against the cold, metal back of the hospital bed. Your breathing got quicker and quicker as you realised you were vulnerable, in a hospital bed, with seven strangers. Even if they are cute, they're still dangerous, you decided.

The bed creaked and one of them woke up, jolting into reality as if an electric shock had gone through him. "Huh?" He looked around, his eyes half closed. He caught sight of you and his eyes it up. He ran his hand through his dyed grey hair and got up, walking over to the bed. He was smiling, and he an eye smile. "(Y/N), we all missed you so much."

His voice was soothing, but you were still confused. "I-I don't know you..."

His eyes widened and he reached his hand out. It brushed against yours and you shrank back, almost falling off the bed. "It's me, Jimin."

"W-Who's Jimin..?" you asked slowly.

"This isn't happening." He whispered, then walked around the bed to the blonde boy sitting closest to you. Jimin shook him awake, then pointed to you and whispered something into his ear.

"No!" The blonde boy yelled as he pushed his chair backwards and stood up. "Please tell me this is a joke, (Y/N)!"

You huddled closer to the bed-frame, afraid of getting touched by these strangers. They looked friendly enough, but you still weren't sure of them. The blonde boy's eyes started to water. He reached out his hand to you, but you shook your head and jumped off the bed.

"Don't touch me!" you screamed. "I don't know who I am, let alone you people!"

Everyone started to stir. They all looked around sleepily, then their eyes widened when they saw you. Tears were streaming down the faces of you and the blonde boy. The grey haired boy was looking back and forth between you two, and the others were slowly getting up off their chairs.

One of the guys realised what happened and came over to you. You shrank back, pressing your back against the frame as much as you could without hurting yourself. He looked at you with such sad eyes, then he reached out to touch your cheek. You moved your head away from him and buried your head in your hands, your sobs echoing around the small room.

The rest of the guys got up fully and started comforting the blonde boy, who was shaking with sobs. You felt bad, but you just woke up in a hospital bed with seven strangers surrounding it. Sobs shook your body, while your arms wrapped themselves around your fragile body. Tears were flowing freely down your face. Your lips were slightly parted, so you could taste the salty tears.

After sitting there for a long time, you slowly got up, your tears having stopped. The guys were sitting with their heads in their hands, the blonde boy letting out quiet whimpers every now and then. Deciding to try and get to know them, you approached them with caution.

"Uh.." you started, now standing on the other side of the bed. They all looked up expectantly, the blonde boy's eyes staring into yours. You found yourself unable to look away, captivated by his eyes. "W-Who are you..?"

The blonde boy broke his gaze and looked at his hands. He mumbled something, but you didn't hear it. You felt awkward, so you started to play with your fingers. You kept your head down, watching the bed as if it was going to move or disappear. The boy with the grey hair looked up at you, then said something.

"You're his girlfriend, (Y/N). This is a sick joke. Please, stop it." He muttered. "It's hurting everyone." He motioned to the rest of the guys, who were either tearing up or already sobbing.

You just stared at them, not saying anything. You felt bad, but you didn't know who they were. Heck, you didn't even know who you were. "Who... Who am I?" You asked quietly.

The blonde boy's eyes met yours and he looked pained. His lips slowly parted, but no sound came out. After a few minutes of staring at each other, he finally whispered something to the boy next to him. "We have to go. I can't stand this..."

The boy gathered the others, telling one to take you home. His large brown eyes widened, then he stood and nodded. He held out his hand for you to take, but you refused, stepping back. He let his hand drop to his side, sighing. He just turned around and left.

The boys waved you out of the room, telling you to go with the other one. Reluctantly, you followed him down the corridor of the busy hospital. People were shuffling around, pushing elderly people in wheelchairs, and walking around with patients.

You just followed the guy who just walked past everyone, ignoring them. Eventually, you reached the glass door. He pushed the door open silently, walking out. He held the door for you, and you said thanks quietly. He nodded once and let the door go. You followed him out to a black van, wondering how you got here or who you were.

He got into the drivers side, opening the passenger door for you. You opened the door and got in, shutting the door behind you. Putting on your seat belt, you turned to him. "Who are you?"

His jaw tightened. "Jin." He turned on the van without another word. Pulling out of the hospital carpark, Jin looked at you. "What happened to you? Yesterday you were fine."

"I-I don't even know who I am, Jin-oppa." you muttered quietly.

"Taehyung told you to-" He stopped, tightening his jaw again. You noticed there were tears in his eyes. "Never mind."

"Please, tell me." you pleaded. You looked over at him, your eyes wide.

He just shook his head, stopping at a red light. "I can't. It reminds me too much of what just happened to him."

"What do you mean? Happened to who?" You asked question after question, but he kept his mouth shut tight. After five hopeless minutes of trying to get it out of him, you sighed and looked out the window at the blue sky.

You watched the cars rush by, people on the sidewalk talking with friends or on their phones. A group of school kids were coming around a corner, chatting excitedly. You smiled sadly at them, wondering if they'd been your friends. They looked around your age. You were so engaged with outside, you didn't realise the van had stopped and it was silent.

As you snapped back into reality, Jin got out of the car and somehow opened the door to the fairly large house. It was really nice, you had to admit. You undid your seat belt and got out of the van. Jin walked inside, silent as usual.

You cautiously followed him, then found him in the living room. "Is this your house?"

"It's yours." He answered.

You stepped back a bit, taking in the clean room. "How did I afford this?"

"Taehyung helps pay your bills." Jin answered, looking away from you.

"Taehyung?" you asked, walking over to the couch and sitting down cautiously, away from Jin. "Who's he?"

"The blonde boy, your boyfriend." Jin muttered. He turned to you. "(Y/N), if this is a joke, and you're acting, you're going to die."

Your eyes widened and you felt shivers going through your spine. "I-I'm not acting..." you stuttered. "Why would I be joking about something like this? And who's (Y/N)? You keep calling me by that name but I don't know who that is!"

Jin stood up, fire in his soft, kind eyes. "We're getting you help." He grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the house. He dragged you to the van, where he made you get in. "We're going back to the hospital."

And with that, he drove off, you in the passenger seat, scared for your life.


Hey guys. Sorry this took so long, i had exams and shiz

also i was thinking of discontinuing this book. sorry


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