Chapter two

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Movie disaster

Janie's POV

The next morning I woke up has I noticed Ponyboy shivering.

He looked like he was having a nightmare.

"Ponyboy" I muttered. I put my arm around him.

His shivering begin to slow down.

"It's okay Ponyboy" I mumbled

"Janie" he mumbled

"Yes" I seemed shocked he said my name.

"Can I kiss you?" He mumbled

"Why?" I questioned

Soon he mumbled words in his sleep that I couldn't understand.

Then Sodapop came running in jumping on the bed. Excitedly

"Wake up Ponyboy" he shouted.

Ponyboy was startled.

I giggled.

I stood out of bed as I heard Ponyboy whined about getting up.

"Breakfast" Sodapop yelled

He looked at me.

"How do you like your eggs?" Sodapop asked.

"Hard" I mumbled

"Good, Ponyboy likes it like that too" Sodapop chuckled

"Do you like chocolate cake?" He asked.

"Yeah she does" Ponyboy rubbed his sleeping eyes and realized what he just said.

"How do you know?" I was confused.

"Who doesn't" he smirked

I nodded "true, my brother use to bring me a slice of Chocolate cake when I was down"

"Really" Ponyboy asked

I nodded "he understands me"

"So you were the person he always stole cake from us for?" Sodapop yelled. And ran out.

"Darry I found out who Johnny use to give cake to" Sodapop was jumping around.

I was about to ask Ponyboy about what he was dreaming about.

But I decided to just keep to myself.

"Ponyboy, you better get up" I smiled

Grabbing clothes to change into.

"After breakfast aren't we suppose to meet up with Johnny" I smiled.

"Yeah" he yawned.

I giggled his yawn was too cute.

"I had a bad dream, so I'm trying to wait for the thoughts to go away first" he cracked his neck.

"I noticed" I mumbled

"You were shivering, worse than my brother did the day he came back after the beating from the soc" I bit my lip.

"Did my shivering wake you?" He seemed concern.

"No, but I decided to hug you until you stopped shivering" I smiled

"That's explains it" he blushed.

"Explains what?" I blushed too already knowing it.

"Nothing" he lied and stood out of bed.

I threw a cut sleeve shirt on along with jeans.

Johnny Cade Kid Sister JanieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora