chapter four

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Janie's POV

After laying down for a bit I started to feel a lot more better.

Soon I heard noises. But I figured it was the owl again. Or how pony likes to call it 'A monster'

"Wow look at this blondie" I heard Dally's voice.

I sat up as everyone else did.

"Dally" Johnny stretched.

"It's so werid seeing this guy blonde" Dally pointed at Ponyboy.

Ponyboy threw like 20 questions at Dally.

"Here's a letter from Sodapop" Dally gave him a paper.

"Oh my god you get more and more beautiful when I see you" Dallas looked at me grabbing a peice of my hair.

I blushed a little "Shut up Dally" I playfully hit him. He chuckled and asked us if we were hungry.

We said yeah and left.

We went to Dairy Queen

We were eating Dally talked about how Cherry is our spy.

"Which by the way she asked about you" he smirked

"Who" I mumbled
"You" he smirked

"He asked if you were still pissed at her about that night. Which by the way they shit you said that night holy shit turned me on if you ask me" Dally laughed.

I smirked but Ponyboy jumped in the conversation "What did she tell you about the rumble"

"Nothing yet. She will though" Dally smiled

"Do you think Cherry would like me" he asked.

"I mean she likes bad guys" I giggled

Ponyboy seemed pissed I was kind of happy he was.

"Right that's what in saying" Dally smiled at me.

"I want to turn myself in" Johnny spoken.

"What?" We all said but Ponyboy.

"Johnny they will kill you... I can't live without you brother" I yelled.

"So it's not fair for Ponyboy. Also you, you have more to live for sister... you can probably live with the boys and stay away from our parents" Johnny had a point. But I didn't want him to die.

"I don't want us to go back... I mean I would like better food options. Won't lie about that" I crossed my arms.

"Janie listen to me for once in your God damn life... me as your brother... I love you Janie. And if they put me in the electric Chair so be it... but I want you to live a better life than me... we are going back because I need you to live on for me... I need you to be happy for once in life. All you do is hurt and I see it your eyes everyday. I see you feeling hurt. I see the suffering and pain. Shit it's even on your back... so what if you think you can't live without me. You will move on and that's a promise.." Johnny looked away.

"You should listen to your sister man..." was all Dally could say.

"None of us could live without you" he muttered those words.

He started driving.

I sat there crossing me arms pouting a bit.

Why is Johnny not getting it... if he dies mom and dad will have to keep me. And hopefully I don't die...

Johnny Cade Kid Sister JanieWhere stories live. Discover now