chapter five

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We Win For Johnny

Janie's POV

I cleaned up the egg listening to them talking about how we are heros and in the paper.

Soon I noticed Darry was up and with a lot of energy.

And Sodapop opened the door to the bathroom asking about his work clothes.

"Sorry pal but you can't go bare to work" Steve joked

Two-bit tried to give him some cake.

He looked werid at him.

Darry said in his closet.

Soon he came back fully clothes

Ponyboy discussed something serious with Darry about what the paper said.

I glared at Two-bit who tried to give me a piece of cake.

" Two-bit, you took my cake that one day" I yelled and he giggled.

I roughed up his hair and bit some cake.

"Mikey mouse is one." Two-bit got excited.

"Ponyboy come in" Darry called Ponyboy in.

He was about to leave but he stopped and looked at Ponyboy. "I think I should stay home today" he explained

"No you can't afford that" he crossed his arms.

"I'll be fine" he added.

"I'll babysit him" Two-bit smirked.

Ponyboy and him got into the playful mood.

"I need to quiet smoking" Pony tried to get air.

"Stop you two" Darry smiled pulling Two-bit pulled him off.

"Okay I'll go" he added.

"If you smoke more than a pack I'll skin you alive" he pointed at Ponyboy

"You pick up more roof peices than you can handle Sodapop and I will skin you" Pony smirked.

"Watch it" Darry giggled.

"If I find out you two were in the shower again together I will skin both of you alive" Sodapop mumbled in my ear.

I blushed bad and jumped on him playfully fighting him.

"Uncle" Sodapop yelled getting up and running for it.

"We gotta clean" Ponyboy looked at me and smiled.

"You should see my house" Two-bit smiled.

"You should clean up at your house too.." I mumbled

He grabbed the plate of the cake and the beer and ate that while watching Mikey mouse. I shook my head.

He started a story.

Soon after we cleaned up.

We left the house and walked.

We tried to hitch a ride.

But didn't work.

A blue Mustang saw us pulling up

Ponyboy tried to get inside.

"We should see what they want" Two-bit stopped him from going in.

"Why" he closed the door.

Soon Randy and the rest of the guys walked up.

I saw the tall guy. He looked pitty.

"Can I talk to you" he looked at Ponyboy

Johnny Cade Kid Sister JanieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora