Chapter Seven

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Ponyboy's POV

I got a perfect score on my essay.

I decided to write the adventure with Johnny and his sister.

I sat at the dinner table ready to tell Darry my essay was a success that my teacher actually bump my grade to a B.

"How was school Ponyboy? Did you turn in that essay?" Darry asked.

"Yes I did, my teacher loved it so much he bumped it to a B instead of a C." I explained

Darry grinned wide.

"May I read it?" He asked.

I gulped "will you be mad?" I asked.

He shook his head

I walked into my room and grabbed it.

"I'll read this tonight" Darry smiled

"So it's the summer are you and Janie going to hang out?" Sodapop grinned wide.

"Yeah I hope it sucks she had to go home" I crossed my arms.

"She'll live" Darry muttered

"She is too strong" he added.

Janie's POV

"You are a worthless child" my mother roared.

"It's your fault he is dead" my father pushed me.

He snapped his belt.

The noise shook me.

"Piece of shit" he swung the belt.

I was getting beat like before.

Should I leave this town?

What is Ponyboy doing?

Questions ran through my head as my parents teamed up.

I stood up and ran out of the house.

It's 8 at night.

I ran tears flying off my face.

Johnny, you could handle this more than me.

I stormed off to a bridge.

I sat down to breathe.

I brought my face into my knees.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice and looked up.

"Randy?" I questioned

"Yeah... are you okay?" He became my level.

"I'm okay" I lied.

He bit his bottom lip.

"Clearly" he scoffed.

"Silent tears, blood and fresh bruises... clearly you are okay..."

"Why do you care..?" I coughed out.

"I can just tell you are upset, greaser or not you are still a girl..." He turned his head.

"Why don't you go to your boyfriend house?" He asked

"I don't want him to worry about me..." I looked down.

"He would really care you know" he crossed his arms.

"I know" I gulped

I heard laugher I can tell it's Two-bit and Steve.

"I better go..."Randy walked away.

Johnny Cade Kid Sister JanieWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu