chapter six

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It means nothing

Janie's POV

We waited at the busstop.

"You two look sick" Two-bit randomly Said

"I'm not" We both said.

"We're fine" I grunted

"Mhm" he smirked

"Don't tell Darry I need to fight" Ponyboy begged.

He nodded.

We got on the bus.
We saw Cherry on the walk home. She said fair fight. And Two-bit walked off.

"Ponyboy, Janie" she smiled

"Yeah" Pony walked up.

"How's Johnny" she asked.

"Not good" Ponyboy looked down.

"Come see him" he smiled.

"No I can't" she mumbled

"Why" I grunted.

"Well he killed Bob" she sounded sad.

"He tried to kill Ponyboy" I growled.

"We don't need your charity" Pony hissed and grabbed my hand and we walked off.

We got back to the house to get ready.

We got ready for the rumble. Soon Ponyboy started to ask everyone about why do they like to fight.

When he asked me I froze and quietly said.

"Self defense"

He smiled "same"

Soon Two-bit comes in.

I'm quiet trying to ignore all the sounds.

I had a headache.

Soon Darry try to tell Ponyboy not to come. Soon he talked him into letting him go.

I sat there still quiet

"You okay " Darry sat in front of me.

"Yeah..." I lied.

"Your knuckles are already cut open..." He pointed out.

"I punched my mom today" I stood up.

"Really?" Steve jumped up. "Yeah.." I signed.

"You don't look too hot either" Sodapop said to me

"I'm fine..." I lied again.

Soon we all ran out as they were ready to rumble.

I couldn't help but smile.

Soon Ponyboy asked Two-bit the question

"Everyone does it" he smiled.

Ponyboy seemed happy he survey everyone.

"You ready " Pony asked me.

I nodded "for Johnny" I smiled

He nodded "for Johnny"

We made it as Tim asked if Ponyboy and I were the ones who killed the social. We nodded "Curley said you were a great boy"

Soon they got into a conversation.

All the Greasers were jumping around excitingly.

Soon Ponyboy looked at me a little werid.

"Are you sure you are okay..." He wiped under my nose.

Johnny Cade Kid Sister JanieWhere stories live. Discover now