Chapter 9 - Extraction Point

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the next day...

on the following day's afternoon, the former royal marine began to prepare his weapons and equipment for the evening attack before extraction. his SA80 bullpup rifle, american M4 carbine rifle and two italian 93 raffica pistols have finally been prepared. Jack eventually recieved an encrypted message from his commander as night falls

"RAF Titans are now enroute, ETA: 0030. over"

Jack was pleased and yet hoped that he will not fail the mission and so he sets out to the village in the jungle where the ritual will be performed

2100 hours - enroute to the village

once again taking the stolen vehicle, Jack drove on the dirt trail to his destination and assigned point of extraction. it was a hard path to take as it was crawling with what may have been jeeps and old rusty hatchbacks occupied by cultists and mercenaries armed with kalashnikov rifles and other cheap weapons. Jack felt nervous, felt like Afghanistan all over again and after minutes of driving on the dirt trail he was suddenly caught. his vehicle t-boned on the left side by a hostile jeep then pinned to a line of trees. Jack quickly drew out his SA80 bullpup rifle and opened fire at the jeep, killing those on the front seat. he then escaped the destroyed sedan, unable to get the M4 on time. a large patrol group would suddenly approach his position. Jack was outnumbered but all he did was think positive thoughts. he changes the bullet magazine on the SA80 and took cover by the line of trees. when the enemies finally reached his position, he throws a smoke grenade at the direction where the hostiles approach from and aimed down the rifle's SUSAT scope. once the hostile infantry escaped the cloud of smoke, he pulls off the pin of an MG7 frag grenade, waited several seconds then throwing it at the enemies, causing it to explode upon impact and killing more than a few armed enemies. he quickly opened fire at them once again, picking off each head. as he advanced to a camp, he sets the rifle to "full-auto". killing most of the occupants in the camp then eventually triggering a ground war just between him and two waves of cultists and mercenaries. he kept up the fire at those who came at him despite the ammunition of his SA80 close to depletion and once he fired the last 5.56 rifle round at a head, he slung the SA80 to his back and pulled out two 93 raffica pistols and yet continued fighting and then after killing the last few, he quickly reloaded his pistols then holstered them. he approaches a dying cultist who was able to contact the cult leader at the village, he picks up the phone and pulls out one of his pistols. "you cannot stop them....they will bring salvation upon may as well pray for forgiveness....christian..." the dying cultist whispered to Jack. "i'm a shintoist, with it" Jack whispered back to the dying cultist then executed him, he then threw the phone to the ground and stole an old and rusted VW Golf and drove off to the village

2330 hours - the target village

as Jack reached the entrance of the village, he quietly got out of the car and planted C4 explosives underneath. his plan was to throw the rigged hatchback at the leading cultists to start a fire to signal the "strike team". he quickly went back into the car and searched the village for the leading cultists. once he was able to spot them, he forced the car into full speed and jumped out, following his thought out plan and detonating it, causing a massive fire. he pulled out his two raffica pistols and quickly fired off at the disturbed hostiles, killing them in an instant. he searched the village once again to find Yukino and once he was able to find her, he threw a flashbang at her captors and killed them, rescuing the helpless japanese girl and giving a "go" signal to a team of UN soldiers. he also sets up a radio beacon to send a distress signal to the incoming RAF aircraft. Jack continued to fight off the cultists and the hired mercenaries right until the moment when the RAF Titan carriers drop firebombs to assist Jack and the team of UN soldiers. a few minutes later, the Titan carriers landed safely on the destroyed village with one deploying a team of british army soldiers with the other sending a crew member to take Jack and Yukino in to the aircraft. "this is Prototype-Alpha: we have secured the VIP, returning to base, over" the Titan carrier said through the communication system, declaring the extraction a success

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