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Tegan stared at the charging gun before throwing his arms over his head, clenching his eyes shut as he waited for the shot to come, decimating him... turning him into nothing else besides another blotch on the pavement.

A rush of air passed over the downed boy, and he opened his eyes to stare in shock at a large green humanoid robot... thing! It was followed by a slim blue and pink one, then a yellow and black one.

Scrabbling backward, Tegan rolled onto his hands and knees before jumping up onto his feet, running down an alley. He spared only one glance back at the fight. Another purple robot similar to the one that had first attacked him, had joined the fight.

Fear rose in the boy's heart as he ran away, leaving his backpack behind. He considered the wisdom of this move, as all his technological tools, and, less importantly, his homework, still resided in the bag.

Tegan decided that it wasn't important, and poured all of his fear and strength into his legs, pushing onward toward his grandmother's home. With that home, hopefully came safety.

Slamming the door open, Tegan ran into the house, shutting it loudly as he leaned against it, breathing hard as his grandmother rounded the corner.

Tegan looked up at his grandmother and the worry rising to the surface of her deep blue eyes. "Tegan? What's wrong?" She asked, hurrying over to kneel on the ground before him, ignoring the pain in her arthritic joints, concerned with only finding out what had happened to her grandson.

Tears welling up in his eyes, Tegan looked down at the ground, his grandmother folding him in a comforting embrace.

"Oh, Tegan. Was it them again?" The older woman looked at him, concern and pain in her eyes as he nodded slowly, not wanting to reveal the truth to her. He was enough of a freak as it was. "I'm so sorry, Tegan." She shook his head sadly as she pulled him close again. "Are you hungry?" She asked, trying to distract him.

Shaking his head, Tegan walked away from her embrace and up the stairs, leaving her at the bottom of the stairs, brows furrowed with worry.

Once in his room, Tegan sat on his bed, thinking through the situation. There are large, robotic... things. Alive cars. The thoughts rushed through his mind as he began calculating this problem. He always thought before doing anything.

Laying back on the bed, Tegan looked up at the ceiling above him, then around the room. It was decorated with posters of atoms and technological stuff, the bedspread was the periodic table, and there were a number of different computers that he loved to work with. And, it was small. Smaller than the one he had used when his mother had been alive.

There's something weird about this. Tegan thought as he rolled to his feet and moved over to the computers.

While he waited for them to finish their start up, Tegan paced the room, finally settling in his chair to log into each.

If these things really exist, someone must've seen them. He thought as began searching for anything that may have some resemblance to a robotic, humanoid... thing.

Tegan leaned back in his seat, furrowing his eyebrows at the screen. He was too far away to make anything out of it, but then, he was always too far away unless he had his face almost pressed to the screen. Hours of searching had turned up nothing. Nothing that might even resemble what he had witnessed earlier.

This could just be my imagination. Tegan thought inwardly, tapping his lower lip with a finger as he considered this option. No. Because then I would still have my backpack... Unless. Tegan turned his seat toward the window, getting up and moving to stand before it. Unless this was a trick...Played by Jack, Miko and Raf.

Straightening up, Tegan considered this option again, more carefully. That could be a possibility. Vince might even be in on it! Shaking his head in silent frustration, he felt tears sting his eyes. I had never thought that Jack might do such a thing. Miko might, but without realizing that it was cruel... Raf. No, Raf was the one that got bullied too... unless Vince promised not to tease him if he helped.

Tegan shook his head and climbed atop his bed, pressing his face into his pillow for a moment before turning it in order to be able to see the larger section of the room. Due to his being blind, deaf and mute, he never liked leaving whatever eyesight he could use unused. He liked to know what was around him. When he may be in imminent danger...

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