too young to be in love

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4 years later

"You two may come see the twins now," the doctor says, motioning for them to follow him.

Dean squeezes Cas' hand as they walk tentatively towards the nursery. "This is it," he mumbles in a rush of nerves and excitement.

Castiel tries to speak but can't find words to accurately express his thoughts. Instead, he smiles brightly as they walk down the overly illuminated hallway. They stop in front of a wooden door with a small blue sign that reads "Room F66".

Dean turns to Castiel and places a hand on each side of his face before pulling him in for a breathtaking kiss. "This is it," he says again. "We're going to be parents."

The word 'parent' in itself triggers something inside Castiel that causes him to tear up. Dean's thumbs smooth away the tears and he kisses his forehead. "It's okay," Dean assures.

"No, it's not okay. It's perfect. It's so much more than okay."

Dean smiles thoughtfully before turning his attention back to the doctor who was waiting patiently. He nods and opens the door, leading them down a short corridor and into the hospital room where Becky, the young surrogate, lies in the pristine white bed, fast asleep.

A different doctor walks up to them immediately and hands each man a newborn baby. Dean is given the child with a pink hat and Cas is given one with a blue hat. "Have you thought of names?" The doctor asks.

Dean and Cas smile at each other. "Yes," Dean says. "This is Claire, and that's Ben."

"I love you," Castiel admits, smoothing his thumbs over the clean white blanket around the baby boy in his arms.

In that moment, Cas' heart is filled with something warm and bright that he's never felt before. He's so madly in love with Dean, and now they have a family together. It's the happiest Cas has ever been, and the happiest he's ever seen Dean.

The next day, when the babies are allowed to leave the hospital, Dean and Cas take them to meet their uncle's. Sam had invited Gabriel, Michael, and Balthazar to his house that day out of Dean's requests. Sam was currently engaged with a beautiful woman named Jess - both Dean and Cas were slightly upset that him and Gabe didn't work out, but they're glad Sam is happy. Balthazar also brings his girlfriend, Kate. Lucifer wasn't invited.

Charlie also arrives with her now wife, Anna. It wasn't really a shock when the two ran off together after high school, and they decided to get married a couple years later. The wedding was gorgeous, and they now have a baby boy on the way.

When Cas and Dean arrive, they are greeted by Jess at the door, who insists on holding one of the babies. "They're so precious!" She exclaims. "What are their names?"

"The one your holding is Claire, and Cas has Ben," Dean says.

Then, Gabe walks up and pats Cas on the back. "They're beautiful, Cas. I'm proud of you."

Castiel smiles up at his brother. "Thank you, Gabe."

Sam is next to congratulate them. Castiel hands him Ben, who looks even tinier in Sam's gigantic arms.

Balthazar and Kate each hug the new parents, giving them their wishes of health and happiness.

Anna starts to cry out of happiness for the two - a combination of pregnancy hormones and true happiness. Charlie calms her down after congratulating Castiel and Dean.

When the twins fall asleep, everyone gathers around the warm fire place in the living room and enjoy cake and hot chocolate, courtesy of Jess. Castiel can't help the warm smile that spreads across his face when he takes a good look at his family and his husband. Dean sneaks his arm around Cas' shoulders and returns the smile.

Too Young To Be In Love (Destiel Highschool Au)Where stories live. Discover now