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"I know you didn't want to do this." Rocky whispered to me as we walked down the hallway of the East LA Facility for Mental Health.

"No," I sighed, "I didn't want to do that but you had to tell your family." I reminded him, "And half of them aren't treating you right because of it so I figure I should meet you halfway."

"I appreciate it." He said and walked with me into the common area. "Which one is him?"

I looked around at the crowd of people visiting an saw a man with grey and black hair sitting in the corner looking out the window. I smiled and pointed, "That's him babe." I walked over to the man and took a deep breath before catching his attention with a wave.

"My!!" He exclaimed and stood up, "Victoria Catherine, you're so beautiful."

"Thank you Daddy, It's so good to see you. How are you doing?" He hugged me tightly and I kissed his cheek.

"As long as I'm on my meds," He shook his head, "I'm fine."

"That's good, Daddy." I stepped back, "There's someone I'd like you to meet." Rocky stepped forward, "This is my boyfriend Rocky."

"Oh?" He stuck out his hand, "Victoria Catherine has never brought a boy to see me... You must be something."

"He is." I smiled up at the dark haired boy. To think of all of the things he had given up for me in just the last week. I owed him more than big time.

"Nice to meet you sir." Rocky shook his hand and sat down across from my dad. I sat next to Rocky and studied how my dad had aged in the year that I hadn't seen him. I'm sure I had aged too.

"Oh please, son, call me Greg. That's my name." He said to Rocky with a smile. "So, Victoria," He began, "What brings you here?" He gestured around, "You said you didn't want to see me."

I looked down at the ground, "Daddy, we've had some changes." I told him boldly, "Things are different and Rocky and I have made the decision to include you in our life because you deserve to have a part in it."

"Are you two getting married?" He looked at the two of us confusedly.

"No, sir," I coughed, "Daddy, no,"

"Then what's the big change?" He shrugged, "I don't see anything is different. Did you finish school?"

I took a deep breath, "I've been finished with school Daddy. You came to my graduation. I did it for you."

"That's right." He nodded and made a face at Rocky. "How long have you been seeing my baby girl?"

"Five almost six months sir." Rocky cleared his throat. "I love her."

"And I love him." I said to my dad.

He smiled at us and nodded, "I'm so happy to hear that. I was scared you wouldn't ever settle. You wouldn't find someone."

"Well," I sighed, "Rocky and I are happy right now. And we plan to stay in each other's lives no matter what, so." I shrugged, "But that brings me to something else."

He turned his attention to a woman bringing his medication over to him. He took it along with some water and then thanked her while I waited nervously. "What- what would that be?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This was the last time I really needed to SAY it. "Daddy, Rocky and I are having a baby."

"You're-" He stopped, "What?"

"Rocky and I..." I looked at him supportively and he was staring intently at a tattoo just above his hands. "I'm pregnant."

"You're-" My dad let out a long breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them again he had tears in his small eyes, "That's amazing..."

"That's what?" I was completely caught off guard.

"I'm going to be a grandfather?" He stood up, "Freddy!" He called to a man a couple of chairs away, "I'm gonna have a grandson! My daughter's having a baby everyone!" He yelled happily and came over to me. He engulfed me in a long hug and I settled comfortably in his arms. "Congratulations..." He said into my ear.

Once the applause and the cheering had subsided my father sat down and sighed. "I'm so glad you've taken it so well..." I told him, "Everyone else, mom included, is really excited. They're enthusiastic to say the least."

"Well, Victoria, you knew you couldn't have children. You were told that... Rocky did you know that?" He asked, "It was devastating."

"I did know." Rocky nodded, "Partly why this was such a surprise."

"But you love each other!" He clapped his hands together, "What more could you ask for? Marriage is just a piece of paper." He eyed a lady about his age and pointed to her curly brown hair, "That's Margie. She and I go for a movie and jello every Tuesday night."

"That's great Daddy." I smiled at him, "I'm happy for you."

He nodded proudly at himself and looked at Rocky, "So how'd your family feeling about this?"

"They're going to get into it I'm sure." He nodded, "We're, um, we're in a band and so it's going to change our lifestyle a bit more than their liking right now but they'll get used to it. We actually have to run soon because we have a family meeting to get to." Rocky reminded me.

"Oh," His face dropped for a minute but returned, "Well, come back when you have a belly to show me!" He laughed to himself, "And tell your mother hello for me." He waited a moment and paused with a look on his face, "Sorry Victoria, that rude man was trying to eat my food!" He pointed to a wall and then to an empty table.

I swallowed and nodded, "I'm sorry Daddy, but remember, it's okay because the man isn't real."

"You're right." He stood up, "But I must go to a class. Let me say goodbye to you two."

"I love you Daddy." I hugged him and he shook Rocky's hand. "We'll be back when things calm down a bit."

And we walked out slowly. For one of the first times ever I grabbed Rocky's hand for support while we walked out, "Sometimes he's all there and other times it's like he's on a different planet."

"But he loves you." Rocky said, "At least he's excited," He smiled and sighed, "Now we just gotta get the rest of them on board."

"All we can do it try." I nodded, "Try before you go back on tour for another month."

"Then I'm home for good." He told me. "Before we go to this family meeting..." Rocky looked at me mischievously, "Can we go have sex?"

I rolled my eyes, "Not shy at all, are you?"

"Is that a yes?" He smirked and got into the car. "I'm taking that as a yes."

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