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I sat on the floor of my living room with my legs crossed. In front of me sat clothing I had purchased from target in a fit of adorableness that had ensued in the baby department. I had hangers and clothing of various sizes and I had a plan to put everything in his little closet while I waited for Rocky to come home with dinner.

As music played on my sound system I hummed along and organized the clothes in front of me by size and color. I had too much time on my hands.I heard the key in the door and I smiled instantly at it, "Hey honeyyy," I called to him.

"Sup, babe," He replied almost coldly. He walked directly into the kitchen without so much as a glance at me and set the food on the counter.

"Everything alright?" I attempted to ask without getting up. It was taking longer and longer to get up these days.

"Mhm." He responded. I could hear him rustling with silverware and plates and suddenly he was quiet again, "Am I gonna be a shitty dad?"

"What?" I furrowed my brows, "Rocky, you're going to be a great dad, where the hell did you hear that?"

I stood up and walked into the kitchen to see his face. "I was on the phone and my siblings keep saying things about how I'm gonna be a shit father and how my son is probably going to end up fucked up and I want them to stop."

"So tell them to stop?" I told him, "Baby, you're going to be a good father. It takes learning."

"I know I will be babe. I'm gonna be the best damn father possible for my son. He's gonna be wonderful and he's going to treat women right, unlike his uncle, and he's going to be more responsible than I ever was."

He side eyed me and took a deep breath, "And they keep saying how fucking boring we are. How we should just hire a nanny so we can go back to partying once he's born but I don't wanna do that anymore. There's so much more to life than partying and drugs."

"I'm glad you're realizing that but they haven't yet." I reminded him and helped set out our italian food. "None of them have had a huge life thing happen to them to realize what really matters." I pointed to my stomach.

He sighed and put his hand on it lightly, "It's still unreal."

"I know it is." I nodded, "But hey, we aren't boring."

He scoffed, "Tori, it's Friday night, all of my siblings are going to a party and we're sitting at home eating italian food and organizing baby stuff."

"Is that boring to you?" I asked him. "I can do it myself. You can go to the party."

"No, no, no," He shook his head, "Not what I meant, Tor. I want to be here with you and with him." He rubbed my stomach and nodded.

"It's Friday night and we have to be adults Rocky." I sighed, "But we aren't boring by any stretch, babe."

"How so?" He opened my food and took a bite for himself.

"Well for starters, you're a musician in a band. That's not boring at all. Also, I've been modeling for a pregnancy magazines. How is that boring?" I laughed, "and hello," I rolled my eyes, "Our sex life is way better than the average couple that's 5 months almost 6 months pregnant."

"Okay all of those things are true." He agreed with a chuckle. "So, shall we eat and then we can show off how not boring we are?"

I smirked at him and bit my lip, "Sounds great to me."


I hung the outfits and folded onesies alongside my partner in crime for a while. We had a changing table, a dresser, and now a rocking chair that Rocky had helped his dad build for the little one.

"Should we talk about names?" He asked me as he admired our work so far.

"I guess so." I shrugged. "Any ideas?"

"Hmm..." He walked over to me and put his arm around me, "Fredrick."

"Are you serious or are you kidding?" I laughed. "My kid isn't gonna have some nerdy name."

"Okay what about Matthew?" He asked.

"That's not bad. What about Carter?" I asked. He sat down on the floor and I sat in the cushioned rocking chair.

"Ehh, Carter," He thought, "Nah. What about Rocky Junior?"

"How did I know that would come up," I giggled, "Do you really want a Rocky junior?"

"Er, no I guess I don't." He shook his head, "What about James?"

"I do like James..." I nodded.

"I had a good girl name." He shrugged, "But I'm not giving my little dude a girl name."

"What was it?" I crossed my arms and smiled at him.

"I always liked Elizabeth Mary Lynch... Mary is like a family name," He explained, "Like how they passed Mark onto me,"

"I like Elizabeth Mary..." I sighed, "That's cute."

"It's alright." Rocky agreed, "We can save it for the next one."

"The next one?" I perked up again, "We're having another one?"

"Well that is, if you can, and if you want to." He said, "I just don't want some spoiled brat child that doesn't know how to share so we gotta have two."

I laughed at him and shook my head, "Before you know it we're gonna be like your cousins and having five kids, Rocky."

"No way," He assured me, "I like two. It's a good number. Send one to Ross and Skylar and One to Rydel and Ellington's each weekend and have some alone time." He raised his eyebrows.

"You're too much..." I sighed, "But seriously let's think about the name thing and come back to it. I want something edgy but not too edgy."

"For a baby?" He laughed and stood up.

"Something that will be good for a baby and for him when he grows up." I explained, "We'll talk about it some more..." I put my hands out to him, "Help?"

"Absolutely." He reached out for me and pulled me up to give me a kiss. "So it's a no to Rocky Junior?"

I laughed and walked down the hallway with him, "Let me think about it."

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