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The second we made it through the door I could tell Rocky was in a rush.

"Can't I at least do the dishes?" I asked him.

"You're fucking boring." He said as he took off his jacket, "Since when?"

I scoffed, "Since I have responsibilities now."

"We said we'd keep this relationship interesting." He walked over to me.

"Well that was before I got pregnant." I reminded him and turned to walk into the kitchen. Normally I would love to go be whisked away into the bedroom. Or any other room. Something about pregnancy was messing with me and I didn't like it.

I felt his hand grab my wrist and tug at it a bit to get me to turn around. I turned to face him and he pressed his lips against mine hungrily. "I think you're the sexiest woman alive..." He murmured in my ear.

I shuddered at his words and dragged my hand down his chest slowly, "Okay," I whispered, "Just make it quick so no one walks in."

He gained a triumphant look on his face and he pulled me into the bedroom with a smirk. No bother closing the door with no one else home. He pulled my face into his hands and kissed him passionately on my toes. I felt him begin to move us slowly toward my bed and I walked along with him. Without disconnecting ourselves he sat down and I put my legs on either side of his own.

I pushed him down so I was entirely on top of him and I kissed him with a need in the pit of my stomach I had forgotten about. I felt his legs move to tangle in mine and his hands roamed my body in different places. Oh my god, I had forgotten about how much fun it was to just do this with him. "I never want to get out of this phase..." I muttered to him between kisses.

"I feel the same way," He groaned and moved his hands to grip my ass strongly.

"Anyone hommeeeee?" I heard Riker's voice.

"What the shit." I sat up. "Did you lock the door?"

"No," He shook his head, "My family is coming over and I just told them they could all walk in."

"We barely had any time and now I want you, dumbass," I smacked his chest lightly and stood up to straighten my clothes. I checked myself in the mirror quickly and sighed.

"Well, then you'll really want me once they leave, won't you?" He smirked and stood up himself.

"You're an asshole." I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room with him behind me.

The family gathered one by one in my living room and eventually I knew I'd have to actually talk to all of them about what was going on.

Stormie gave me a hug. "I have some books for you..." She whispered, "For both of you. And if you'd like me to talk first I will."

"The floor is yours." I nodded and smiled at her before sitting on Rocky's lap behind me.

Stormie smiled at everyone and cleared her throat first, "Okay guys..." She looked around at all of them. Ross and Skylar were there. Riker was there. Ryland, Rydel, and Ellington sat on the floor looking hungover. "I know that some of you are upset about what's going on, but we all appreciate you all being here. Really."

"I'm staying for ten minutes and then I'm leaving if we don't have an explanation." Riker called out.

"Don't be irrational," Ross said to him, "It's not their fault."

"They weren't using protection." Riker retorted.

"Is that true?" Rydel chimed in.

"Excuse us for thinking pregnancy couldn't happen." Rocky defended.

"You're still stupid." Riker told him.

"Oh come on," Ryland rolled his eyes, "How many illegitimate children could you possibly have Riker? No blame is allowed here bro,"

There was a solid minute of uncomfortable laughter at the best burn of the century and then Stormie spoke up again. "So, I think everyone should be on the same page here. They're keeping the baby." She looked at us.

"We are." I nodded, "And I won't be returning to tour with you guys for the next month."

"What?" Skylar looked saddened, "Why not?"

"Well, if I'm being honest, The scent of weed makes me want to vomit and also it isn't good for me to be around all of the drinking and the partying and the drugs."

"Woah, so you gotta be like old." Ryland said with a scoff. "Rocky what are you doing?"

"I'm not gonna smoke anymore. It was getting to be a bad habit anyway." He shrugged and rubbed my leg.

"Good for you." Mark chimed in finally, "Hopefully you'll show the rest of them how to be a bit more responsible version of themselves."

"Sure," Ross laughed, "We'll go with that."

Ryland stood up, "I have a date. Is this over?" Everyone gave him looks and he rolled his eyes, "I'm not mad or anything I just gotta go."

"Yeah," I spoke up, "You guys can go." I stood and went into the kitchen without so much as a goodbye. I kept getting emotional over the most random things.

No one understood in the slightest what I was going through. No one fucking cared that I had to change everything about myself. And no one gave two shits that I had to sit at home and worry about this baby.

But I had to accept that.

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