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"Fuck..." Rocky groaned loudly and I turned out of my closet. I guess I was too quiet when I came into the bathroom while he was taking a shower. Or at least I thought he was just taking a shower. I stood at the doorway and listened to him for a moment while he faced away from me. I knew exactly what he was doing. He just had never done it since I had met him. I turned on my heel and walked out without a word to go check on James.

Last night he only woke us up four times and it was the best thing I'd ever experienced. "How's my big boy?" I reached into his crib and he offered me a drool-y smile. I got him out and held him against my chest. "You're getting so big..." I told him, "And you're already 8 weeks old." I looked up. 8 weeks.

I shook the thought away for a moment but I instantly realized Rocky's little shower experience this morning. "James-y, Daddy and I haven't gone out alone in eight weeks..." I set my little man up to eat his lunch and took out my phone.

"Hey Tor," Rydel's voice sounded as if she were eating and she mumbled, "What's up?"

"Do you wanna do me a favor tonight?" I asked her.

"We don't have plans." She said, "Sure, what's up?"

"Rocky and I haven't actually gone out to eat since before the baby was born." I told her, "So, do you wanna watch him for us? Just a couple hours."

"Uh," She paused and whispered something, "Are you sure? I mean am I really qualified to like..."

"Rydel, I trust you." I told her. "You do so good when I'm here. And Ellington can get that kid to stop crying better than Rocky can."

"That's true." She said quietly, "I mean, I guess so." She sighed, "Yeah, we'll do it."

"Effing fantastic." I said aloud, "Okay, will you guys come by at like 6?"

"Sure," She said excitedly, "This will be fun."

"Yes it will." I told her, "Thanks again Del."

"No prob. You guys gotta get your groove back so you can have SOME fun." And she hung up on me.

I sat feeling satisfied with myself and rubbed James' head as he sucked on his favorite meal of the day. Rocky walked out with wet hair and no shirt on. My eyes wandered up and I smiled at him, "Hey honey..."

"Hi." He said almost with an attitude and he kissed the top of my head. He looked at James and his eyes lingered around the baby for a moment.

"Something you need?" I asked him with a snicker.

He sat down next to me and groaned, "It's just that- I haven't seen your boobs this much ever but i haven't been able to..." He took a shakey breath.

"I know." I nodded, "I've been pretty bad." I bit my lip, "Which is why I called your sister and she and Ellington are going to come watch James for like two hours so we can eat something tonight just the two of us and then we can come home and... Well..." My eyes trailed over his tattooed chest and his torso, "Do whatever your little mind thinks up."

"Mmmm," His eyes glistened as if I said something he was interested in, "You know it's been..." He swallowed, "A really long time." He eyed my body and let out a sigh again.

I moved James and patted his back while Rocky watched me. I couldn't decide whether I should tell him I had heard him in the shower or if I should leave it alone but either way I didn't want the baby to be on my breast when I did tell him.

The rest of the afternoon hustled by and we each took a nap. The baby was sleeping by the time 6pm rolled around and I was hoping he'd stay that way for a little while for our first time sitters. I was folding laundry on the couch in a loose black dress and wedge heels and Rocky came to sit down next to me in his black jeans and a white t-shirt. "You," He paused and kissed my neck, "Look," Again, "So," Again, "Sexy." He practically growled.

Night Owl || Rocky LynchWhere stories live. Discover now