Waist (one-shot)

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This one scares me a bit to post but here it is, I hope you enjoy.

Looking in the mirror, all you could focus on was your waist. It was too big. Too flabby. Too fat.

Calum would always tell you how much he loved your waist but it was never enough. If you couldn't love your waist, then why was it worth anyone else loving it?

Staring. Staring was all you could do. Pointing out to yourself all your flaws. Your waist, your teeth, your smile, your legs, everything.

You hated it all. But Calum was slowly yet surly changing your mind on small things. You now were starting to love your eyes, your nose, your hair, your shoulders. Little by little, it was happening.

When you told Calum that you were slowly loving things again, he was ecstatic. He couldn't believe it. He wanted to shout with joy. But you stopped him from running outside and shouting it to the entire world. (Mainly because he was only in his boxers.)

Almost everyone you've ever met has told you "you need to lose weight" or "maybe you should eat less". But when you met Calum, he told you that you looked beautiful.

When you and Calum started dating, there was so much hate going around. People were tweeting you saying that you were too fat and that you didn't deserve Calum. But Calum was always right there, telling you not to believe them.

In one of the interviews he was in the interviewer mentioned you, and how you were more of a heavyset girl. Calum immediately spoke and stopped the interviewer from saying anything else. "She's perfect for me. Her curves are perfect. Her weight is perfect. She's just perfect. I love her and that's something others should take into consideration. When people send her hate, they're sending me hate. When she hurts, I hurt. When she cries, I cry. She's my girlfriend and I wish people respected the fact that we are in love"

When you heard his words, tears filled your eyes and you didn't know what to do. You love him so much.

Looking in the mirror, you focused on your waist. Little by little, you'll love it again. But for now, Calum can do all the loving.

Hey guys! Thanks to todays society it's hard to be comfortable in your own skin and I want girls to feel comfortable with their bodies no matter what. So here it goes.

You are beautiful. Just because you're heavier then your best friend or your sibling or that girl over there who is eating that salad doesn't mean you aren't beautiful. E V E R Y O N E  I S  B E A U T I F U L. I know that the world is scary and very judging but you know what? Fuck the world. Fuck the unrealistic standards. Not everyone is a tall, skinny picture perfect girl. There are different body types for a reason. So there's a variety. The sad thing is women are not seen as humans, we are seen as objects by the majority of the males on this planet. Yes there are a good amount of males who aren't judging and who truly believe that women are beautiful and don't care about how much they weigh or whether they wear make up.

I'm not saying "don't trust men" because that's not what I'm going for. To be honest there are plenty of women our own gender who think that unless we are like them that we don't matter. I just want you to be aware that this world is a fucked up place and we can change this. We can change the world. But first we've gotta start with loving ourselves. I am going to be honestly here and tell you guys that I am not heavyset, I am not overweight. In fact I'm skinny as a twig and underweight but I've always been like this because it's my natural body type. I've gone through so many years where people have told me "you need to eat more" and "put more meat on those bones" but I can't because my body doesn't allow it. Hell I celebrated over the summer because I finally reached the weight of 103 lbs. A HUNDRED AND THREE POUNDS! I celebrated over that fucking number. And you wanna know why I finally reached that number? Because I wasn't exercising due to being injured. Being told to eat more took its toll on me even though I was society's "ideal" body type. I still was self conscious about things. I'm still self conscious about things. I don't like my teeth and I don't like my smile and I don't like my feet (that's due to my sport though). But I'm learning to love those things by the little things that I find. Like I'm learning to love my smile because I have a dimple on my cheek that I honestly never knew about because I always faked my smile. I'm hoping that soon I can work on loving my teeth but first I've gotta get past my smile because one step at a time.

I know that a lot of people are self conscious about their stomachs. I was self conscious about mine too until I realized that you know that little pudge is meant to be there because idk about you guys but I have these things called a bladder and a uterus and well a stomach! Those all need room and all need a home. There's some more that go in your stomach area but tbh I can't remember what they are right now. Biology is not my strong point. But you know we were made this way for a reason and it's okay to not be the perfect stereotype. ITS OKAY TO BE YOU. It's okay to be confident in yourself. It's okay to love yourself.

Ps. I almost deleted this until my bestie convinced me otherwise


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