Soldier Days (One Shot)

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Lmao I have some weird pictures (of 5sos mainly) on my phone

Ashton is your bro, Calum is your boyfriend (this is usually the combo I think about if I was anyone of the boys sibling is me being Ashton's little sister because I have brown hair, brown eyes, dimples, giggles, and yeah idk why I always pictured it that way anyways carry on, I don't matter)


Y/n/n = your nickname

Your POV

Ashton stood beside me as my hands trembled. The letter was tight in my hands. "Y/n, you okay?"

Although I could feel like I was could cry I nodded anyways. Looking down at the letter again I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I had just learned that my boyfriend, Calum wasn't going to be home for another two weeks. I knew that he needed to do his job and when he was commanded to do something he had to follow his orders.

It was just so hard. He's been gone for a year already and I don't know much about how he is doing other then he's alive. I didn't realise how stressful it would be going into a relationship with a soldier but just because it's stressful doesn't mean I want this relationship to end.

I just want my boyfriend safe and sound in my arms. I want to be able to kiss him whenever I wanted. I want to go on silly little dates with him. I know that serving our country was something he dreamed about since we were little but still. My best friend turned to boyfriend going away to fight in battle is a scary thing to even think about.

I know he missed me just as much as I miss him. He sends letters nearly everyday telling me how much he misses me and I send him letters back. I celebrated when he told me he was coming home and now... now I just want to go home and lay in bed and do nothing.

I was so prepared. Mentally and physically. Now all that work is down the drain. I felt a hand rest on my lower back and gently pushed. Ashton wanted me to move towards the car instead of standing in the post office parking lot.

When I got my mail I was so excited for his letter that I couldn't wait until we got to the car to open it only to get the bad news. Ashton read over the letter after I did and had hugged me softly.

It wasn't until I was in the car that I broke down. Sobs escaped my lips and I fought to catch my breath. I was trying to stay calm for Calum. I was trying to show him that I could stay strong for him. But I couldn't hold on any longer.

A year of being away from my best friend was bad enough but spending that much time away from your boyfriend, soulmate, love of your life, your everything just made it so much harder.

Ashton drove to my house and parked in front. "Come on y/n/n. Let's go inside"

Wiping my tears away, I hiccuped quietly and got out of the car. The letter still tightly grasped in my left hand as I made my way to the door.

I pulled my keys out and unlocked the door. My hand rotated the knob as I let myself into my house. My eyes were trained on the floor as I stepped farther in.

Ashton walked in behind me and he closed the door. I looked at my shoes and then to the letter. I didn't want to put the letter down but these shoes were getting uncomfortable.

Why did I choose the most uncomfortable shoes I had in my closest that I honestly need to get rid of? I don't know because I'm stupid that's why.

"Baby, are you ever going to look up or are you going to stare at the floor all day?"

My head shot up and my eyes met his chocolate brown ones. My heart was racing and suddenly so was I. Next thing I was aware of was his arms tightly around me and my face buried in his neck.

Calum rocked us gently, "baby I missed you so much"

My words came out as a mumbled mess as I replied "I missed you more".

We finally pulled apart and without even thinking about it I slapped his arm. "Don't you ever fucking do that again! I was pretty sure that you weren't going to be home for another two weeks!"

The laugh that came out of his mouth was like music to my ears. Hearing him, touching him, and seeing him again was something I had wished I could do for so long.

"I'm sorry princess, I wanted to surprise you"

Rolling my eyes, I reach up and pulled him down for a kiss. Leaning my forehead against his I whispered "make a note to yourself, if you ever do that again I'll kill you personally"

He let out a chuckle and kissed me again. "Yes ma'am"

Hola!! Honestly I know this could be bigger and better but this is what we've got and this is what we're going with lol! I don't know where I got the inspiration or why I decided to write this but yeah here you go! I know there wasn't much of Ashton being brotherly here but it's a Calum one shot not an Ashton one shot so whoops.

I may start adding some of the random pictures i have on these chapters every once in awhile just to see how it goes. Let me know what you think about that!

Okay I hope y'all liked it! My phone is at 12% so time to go let it charge and probably go to sleep. I hope y'all enjoyed this! I love you all!! <3

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