Did It Hurt? (One-Shot)

413 8 7


Your POV

"Hey babe"

Your heart raced at the pet name your best friend used. Looking up, you finally acknowledged Calum and so he continued "did it hurt?"

Furrowing your eyebrows in confused at his question, you ask "what?"

"Did it hurt?"

Finally it clicked in your head and you rolled you eyes. "Let me guess, did it hurt when you fell heaven?"

Calum giggled before replying "nope!"

Glancing over at him confused, you mumbling "what?"

He took a deep breath before saying loudly "when you fell for me" before he burst out laughing.

Sighing, you pushed your dorky best friend and mumbled "you weirdo"

"Oh come on you know you love me"

Your cheeks were heating up as you thought about your crush on Calum "Nope I don't"

You went to walk out of the room but Calum pushed you against the wall and leaned his head down so his lips were near your ear "babe I know you like me. I like you too"

Turning your head you looked him in the eyes. "Really?"

He leaned forward and brushed his lips against yours before whispering "really"

Leaning up, you kiss him fully. Something you've been wanting to do for years. Hopefully you'll do this for more years to come.

It's crap ik I got lazy at the end lol. This was based off a prompt I saw on Pinterest and I really liked it so I wrote it. It's like just a little over 200 words so it's not that long. I hope y'all enjoyed it even tho it was crap

(Hal, I know you're reading this, I know our agreement but hey you haven't read this yet so I can trash it all I want right now lol)

Okay I'm going to go read another prompt probably and start another one-shot byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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