The Letter to Calum Pt. Two

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If you haven't read the first part to this then go do that!!! It's the chapter directly before this one!

Note: this does get sad so there may be some crying that happens. Be prepared!


Calum walked through the woods towards the little house hidden far back. He knew that's where she was. Hiding out away from the world. His heart was breaking at the thought of her leaving. His only hope was to convince her that it was okay and they'd work it out together.

The boys were looking in other places for her and defending her online. Calum didn't bother to tell them that he knew where she was, he was in too much of a daze that all he knew was he had to get to her.

The little house was one they bought together last year as their getaway place. Sometimes when they would fight she would end up leaving and going to the house. They both had clothes that they left there for whenever they decided to take a mini vacation from the world.

Calum often used it as a writing inspiration, especially when they were there together. Y/n sitting at the little outdoor table with a mug of coffee resting in her hands taking in the scenery was Calum's favourite sight. She was his inspiration. Nothing could ever change that.

Together curled up in front of the fireplace, her back pressed against his chest. His hands playing with her hair, hers rubbing soft circles on his legs. The two of them just lost in the feeling of being with each other.

Calum walked up to the door of the house and tested the knob. His heart was racing, his mind was jumbled around all the thoughts about her. The door opened with the twist of his hand and little push.

His breath caught in his throats when he saw her. She was laying in the floor. Her hands on her stomach. Invisible was playing over her phone speaker. He could see her chest move up and down in a steady rhythm.

Calum breathed out finally. He noticed the tissues that were overflowing in the trash can, the tear stains on her cheeks. Her hair messy, not a trace of make up on her face. "Y/n"

Her eyes snapped to meet his. This time she had her breath caught in her throat. She knew that her place of hiding out wasn't something hard to find. She knew he'd know exactly where to find her. But she didn't want to try to hide completely from him.

"Princess, if I had known what was happening I would've fixed it a long time ago"

Her broken voice rasped "I thought I could do it on my own"

Calum frowned and closed the door to their house. Walking over to his girlfriend, Calum laid down next to her. "Princess, you never have to go through that alone. Never."

She turned her head towards Calum and laced their fingers together. He turned his head and his eyes met hers when the words "I'm sorry" left her lips.

Calum let go of her hand and rolled over to hover over her. Staring into her eyes, "don't you fucking be sorry. It's not your fault y/n."

Tears welled up in her eyes thinking about everything that was wrong and Calum kissed her. A kiss full of love. A kiss full of passion. A kiss like no other.

They felt the spark. They felt the connection. They always felt it but every time the connection got stronger and stronger. Their love got stronger and stronger.

Nobody. Nobody. Could ever break them apart. No matter how hard they tried. They always came back together.


A few weeks later had gone by and the fans no longer sent y/n hate. Calum called them out and expressed his disappointment. The broken scene wasn't meant to break more people. They created this movement to help people. To make people feel welcomed. That even though they were broken, there was always a place for them.

More and more fans started coming forward and apologising to y/n, many fans expressed their love for Calum and y/n's relationship. People deleted hate accounts and created accounts about positive things for this couple.

Y/n came out of her shell and started going on social media again after her small break from it. Her mind was cleared and her love was stronger.

She knew that even with the ups and downs in life Calum would always be by her side, and he would be holding her up if she was falling down.

They were happy and stayed together for a long time. Till the end of their time. They had gotten married and had children. They became grandparents and great-grandparents. They travelled the world. They climbed the mountains. They crossed the rivers.

The day that the end finally came, they were surrounded by family. They were the last to go. Mali and the boys had already reached their times and had finally met their resting places. Calum and y/n were laying in their bed, holding hands and whispered "I love you" before y/n took her last breath.

Calum looked at his beautiful wife and thanked the world for the wonderful life he had lived. His eyes filled with tears and he laid his head back before closing his eyes and finally finding peace.

Their legacy lived on for years to come. 5 Seconds Of Summer was playing on the oldies radio and teens sat in their rooms listening to the lyrics of the band that changed the world.

Word count: 910

Honestly it doesn't feel like that little amount of words but there's part two!! I finally did it!!  I know that got sad at the end cause I was writing and crying and being like "WHY DID I DO THIS". I like how it turned out though.

Do you think that in years to come 5sos will be on the oldies station? If so what are your thoughts about that?

I got really emotional when it came to writing the death scene for Calum. It makes me wonder. What was my grandpa thinking when he took his last breath? What was happening? What did it look like?

Also yes Hunter and Caitlin I used the nickname princess in here as payback. Idk how much it's going to do but I did it lol.

I just finished this at like 12:40am. This took a span of several days because I would start the stop then start then stop. It was a lot lol. So yeah I had a long day so I'm really tired but I wanted to finally get this out.

Tell me what you think! Did I do okay with the wording of things? Did you see any misspells or grammar mistakes? Let me know!

I hope you all have a good night or day whatever it is for you! I love you all!!!


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