after the night

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"Miko, for heaven's sake will you please stay awake when I'm talking to you!"

Miko looked up from her chair and up at her dad, he glared at her through his green eyes.

"Dad I already told you that I am sorry for being out so late, alright?" She rubbed her eye," Besides you said so yourself that you never came by the dojo."

"I still expected more from you than that, even if you where coming home."

She struggled a little to get her other hand away from her back. She knew what she had to say, but she also knew what it would do to her.

"Dad you know that I am already being independent for myself. You know that I plan be be out of the house When I am eghteen, no matter what!"

Thats when she felt the all to familiar sting of her dad's hand against her cheek.

"Your still my daughter Miko!"

There was a long line of silence that fell between the two of them. But really what was there else to say? Miko had made arrangements with her dad for her to move out when she was of the age. This was decided a long time ago that she would leave and that she should start being more on her own.

He began to walk away from her mubbling to himself "Just a few more months of this... just a few more months."

Miko sat there in the chair for a while. The laces that had been put on her wrist where thicker than usual. Normally she would just slip her hand out and then walk away, but she never had these thick of laces on her before.

She turned sideways in her chair, just so that her hand could reach into her poket. She began to pull out her army knife out of her pocket. Once firmly in her hand, she fliped the sharpest knife and cut through the laces.

She rubbed her wrist as she stood up. She knew fully well that she should call the human activists on her dad, just as well as the next person, but she just couldn't do it. She may have hated her dad for what he was doing with himself, and what he did to her. He was still family and she knew her mom wouldn't of wanted her husband to be sent away from her daughter.

Miko stumbbled into her room, closing and locking the door behind her, and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Miko! I am going out for a bit! Don't leave this house at all!" her father called from the door.

"Fine!" she yelled back.

She heared the door slam shut behind him.

She got up and dug through some of her draws on her night stand. She pulled out an all to familiar handle.

"I know that I promised you never agin mom..." tears began to roll off her face," But only this one time...just one time.."

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